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イラクの戦争・さまざまな考え 4.埋め込まれたプロパガンダ [iraqwar.ru]
それは聡明なアイデアだった −一般の記者を前線の戦闘部隊にくっつけること。これはこれまでになかった事ではないが、しかし今回はじめて、ジャーナリストは事実上軍のための報道官になったのだ。情報の流れは軍の統制下にあるままで、ビデオ映像やそれに対するコメントは軍の要求にしたがうチェックと編集の後に放映された。「埋め込み記者()」のコンセプトは一石二鳥だった。報道ネットワークは「生の」前線の映像を見せ、評価を高め、軍は効率的なプロパガンダの道具を獲得した。
典型的な例を一つあげよう。3月27日頃にBBCが「占領された」ウム・カサールの近くでの夜の戦闘の映像を放映した。記者によれば、その映像は英軍海兵隊の歩兵がイラクの防衛線を突破している様子だ、とのことだった。それは闇に向かって撃ちつづける兵隊達の映像だった・・・ 自分たちの塹壕から、銃脚にすえつけられた防衛用の機関銃で。報告されたイラクの防衛線の「敵陣突破」は、それを聞いた人ならば期待するであろう実際の前進を全く伴っていず、イラク側からの反撃もなかった。とはいえ、なんにしてもそれは印象的な光のショーではあった。
もう一つ例をあげよう。四月の中ごろ、FOXがバクダット周辺での「前線の戦闘」映像を放映していた。田舎のセッティングで、米軍兵士の小さなグループがブッシュの中から撃っている。司令官が「撃て!」と叫ぶ。それに続いておよそ一ダースのM-16が射撃音が短い間起きる。司令官が再び「撃て!」と叫び、もう一度、短い間射撃音が聞こえる。これが数分続く。この間、兵士達は位置を変えていない。彼らに興奮したような様子はなく、どちらかといえば、つまらなそうな様子だ。彼らのターゲットは、小さな草むらの反対側にある敵のトヨタのピックアップトラックだ。トラックの荷台にはZU-23対空砲がある。トラックを運転していた人間はずいぶん前にいなくなっている。これは実に特別な映像で、私などは録画までしてしまった。なぜなら、兵士達が撃っているターゲットを実際に見ることができたから。それまでは闇か、砂か、悪天候だった。そして今回、少なくともそれはトヨタのピックアップトラックだった −私はずっとこのへなちょこ野郎がスイスチーズになるのを見てみたかったんだ。私のこのとりとめのなさを許して欲しい・・・
War in Iraq: Random Thoughts, Part IV
23.04.2003 [06:14]
Embedded propaganda
This was a brilliant idea – to attach civilian reporters to frontline combat units. It’s not that something like this hasn’t been tried before, but for the first time war journalists became de facto spokesmen for the military. The flow of information was still under the complete control of the military: video footage and commentaries were reviewed and edited before broadcast in accordance with whatever the military demanded. The concept of embedded journalists killed two birds with one stone: the news networks raised their ratings by showing “live” frontline footage and the military acquired an effective propaganda tool.
Previously this role was performed by the military reporters and it was called wartime propaganda. Now the same job is being carried out by civilian journalists representing world’s leading news networks and it is being regarded as open and unbiased coverage. And in both cases the viewer sees the same thing – whatever the military wants him to see. Moreover, under such circumstances a journalist’s safety and, indeed, his life depend on the troops around him. He goes wherever they go; he deals with the same dangers they deal with. In a very short time the journalist begins to identify himself with the soldiers around him. He is no longer an objective and rational reporter but a soldier with a camera and a microphone. This remarkable scheme is likely to stick around and we will see more examples of ‘embedded propaganda’ in the future wars.
Another aspect of media war coverage is the qualification of these war reporters traveling with the troops. With no exceptions reporters of all major television news networks consistently mixed up names and types of combat units, types and models of weapons as well as numerous other military terms. These reporters have consistently misinterpreted the situation, made elementary technical mistakes in analyzing even that limited volume of information made available to them by the military. Divisions were called “brigades”, infantry fighting vehicles were called tanks, utility trucks were called SAM launchers and every long and slim object of cylindrical shape was called a “Scud”. The “war reporters” mixed up transport and attack helicopters, called captains “majors” and produced some of the most entertaining explanations of how GPS guidance works in bombs and missiles.
There is no question that with the available resources networks like the CNN or FOX can find qualified reporters to cover frontline action with the required level of professionalism. But the networks did not bother with the details: after all, how many people know that “Bradley” is not a tank and that “Apaches” are not medevac helicopters? The newscasts were directed at the average Joe who gives this information no second thought and asks no questions. The overall performance of the major news networks during the war was and remains abysmal. It is biased, technically inaccurate and highly speculative – in other words it is unprofessional. Without understanding of military technology, terminology and basic tactics the best an ‘embedded’ journalist can do is to repeat word for word whatever he is told by the military minus everything he is not allowed to broadcast. If the journalist is told that the unit is near Basra and ahead of them are two hundred Iraqi tanks (somewhere in the darkness) than that’s what the journalist will report to the editors in New York.
A characteristic example: around March 27 the BBC showed footage of night combat near the ‘captured’ Umm Quasar. The reporter said that the footage was of British marine infantry cutting into the Iraqi defenses. It was dark and soldiers were firing into the darkness… from their own trenches with defensive machine gun emplacements. The reported “thrust” into the Iraqi defense lines was not accompanied by any actual forward movement, as one might expect, and no fire was being returned by the Iraqi side. But this was an impressive light show nevertheless.
Another example: around mid-April, FOX was showing “frontline combat” footage from somewhere around Baghdad. Countryside setting, a small group of US soldiers is firing from the bushes. The commander yells “Fire!” A short burst of fire follows from about a dozen M-16s. The commander yells “Fire” again and another short burst of fire can be heard. This continues for a few minutes. Meanwhile the soldiers don’t change positions; they don’t show any signs of excitement and in fact look rather bored. Their target – an empty Toyota pickup truck on the other side of a small meadow. The truck has a ZU-23 anti-aircraft gun in the back. Whoever was driving the truck is long gone. This was very special footage and I even recorded it: one could actually see what the troops are firing at. Before it was just night, sand or bad weather. At least this was a Toyota – I always wanted to see one of those suckers turned into Swiss cheese. Forgive my rambling…
Next: Lessons of the war. To be continued...