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イラクの戦争・さまざまな考え 1 翻訳 [iraqwar.ru]
投稿者 F 日時 2003 年 4 月 16 日 07:38:01:IVJACidRB5fhY
イラクの戦争・さまざまな考え 2 [iraqwar.ru]
投稿者 F 日時 2003 年 4 月 17 日 10:34:54:IVJACidRB5fhY
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イラクの戦争・さまざまな考え 3 [iraqwar.ru]
米軍が本当にロシア外交団を本当に調べたり全員を殺害したりしかったならば、それはそんなに難しいことではなかったはずだ、という人がいる。ロシアの外交官は、SVR(Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki 外国情報任務)の人間が安全面の管理をしている。米軍が40分に渡って攻撃しつづけたが、接近はしなかったという事実は、ロシア側が抵抗をしたということを示唆している。これはありそうもないことかもしれないが、可能性がある。シリア国境で外交団はシリア特別任務隊に落ち合い、付き添われた。
米国の石油供給量は減少しており、イラクの石油がこの状況を解決することは近いうちにはない。戦争に連動した市場の上下は、今や戦争が開始される前の下向き傾向にとってかわっている。戦争は煮え切らず、不明快な結果で、その結論が出るのはまだまだ先のことである。しかし、ブッシュ政権は今、イラクに対する国連の制裁を促す必要に迫られている。そのことだけが、イラクにおけるビジネスを可能にする唯一の方法である。国連が制裁を行うためには、兵器検査官を送り込み、イラクには違法な兵器が存在しないことを認証する必要がある。このことが起きる前にアメリカはこれらの兵器を絶対に発見しなくてはいけない −たとえそれが本当は存在しないとしても。
ロシアはイラクにまつわるさまざまな経済的関心をもっている。イラクは兵器の購入によるソ連への負債がある。他にもLUKoilなどのロシア企業と、前イラク政府の間には石油の取引がある。また、イラクの現在の状況からロシアが利する多くの可能性がある。英米は二国だけでイラクとの戦争を行った。国連(訳注 原文ではUSになっているが、おそらくUNの間違い)による解決、イラクにおける法に沿った政府、外交的な努力、国連による人道的支援プログラム、いずれもが無かった。国連の存在感が薄くなる中で、イラクにおける迅速な勝利(ほとんどのイラク軍および民兵が武装したまま「行方不明」になり、バース党が徐々に権力に復活し、国内外のムジャヒディーンが国内にあふれた状態で)が、ソビエトのアフガニスタンにおける「迅速な勝利」の轍を踏まないためにも、依然アメリカはロシア、フランス、中国といった国々との協調が必要である。
2003年のロシア国家予算では、IMFに対する債務の返済額は35億ドルで、これはロシアのGDPのおよそ1%にあたる ‐アメリカ経済にしたら、1000億ドルに相当する膨大な額である。ロシアはソビエト時代の債務を構造改革することができた。2002年から2010年の間にロシアはソビエト時代の輸出債務であるおよそ310億ドルを支払う予定である。これはロシアが一年に法執行システムのために使う額のおよそ6倍である。2010年以降、ロシアの債務返済額は上昇し、2015年一年間で、40億ドルのピークを迎える。2003年4月だけでロシアは10億ドルを越える外国に対する債務を支払い、2003年一年間では155億ドルを越える。昨年一年の支払いは76.7億ドルだった。
イラクにおける現在の状況は、ソビエト時代の古い債務をなくす、あるいは構造改革するためのさまざまな機会をロシアに与えてくれる。その代償としてロシアはイラクの負債を帳消しにしようとしているのかもしれない(いずれにしろ、モスクワがすぐに現金を得ることができることを期待しているわけではない)。アメリカはイラクにおける傀儡政権が法的に正当であるという雰囲気を醸成するために、ロシアの支援が欠かせない。イラクに国連を関わらせるための支援も必要としている。アメリカは、戦争で生じた利権を国連と共有することをとても嫌っているように見えるが、それはそう見えるだけである。アメリカはイラクに対して社会・福祉サービスや、安全を与えることには興味がない −子の役割に関しては国連と共有しようとしている。アメリカは、イラクに対する攻撃や、国連のイラクに対する制裁措置といった点で、外交的・法的にさまざまな問題を抱えている。多くのこうした問題の解決には国連の支援なしにはありえない。
最初の多幸感が薄らいだ後には、この戦争の堅実な支援者でさえ、紛争の背後にある理由を考え始めるだろう。そう、生物化学兵器はなく、理由もなく、法的な正当性もないのだ。数年におよぶ国連での脅迫と恫喝、数ヶ月かかった軍事的な準備、数百億ドルの出費(そして、これからこの冒険のために米国の納税者がどれだけの支出を負わなければいけないのか誰が知っているというのか)とその結果としての数週間の小競り合い、数千人の市民の犠牲、イラク国内の無法と絶望、存在しない生物・化学兵器、存在しないサダムやその政府、復活したバース党による監視、連日続く米軍への攻撃、抗議、略奪、増加する市民の犠牲者、etc. 、 etc. 、 etc。もしブッシュがワシントンでの勝利
パレードを考えているならば、今がそのチャンスである −現実が訪れる前に。米国はイラクで生物・化学兵器を「見つけ出す」ために、フセインの隠匿物としてニュー・ジャージーからそれを運んでくるかも知れない。このことで一部のCNN視聴者を納得させることができるかもしれないが、ほとんどの人間にはそれを信じるのが難しいだろう。
War in Iraq: Random Thoughts, Part III
17.04.2003 [17:46]
Saddam and his archives
Some say that, if the US troops really wanted to search the Russian diplomatic convoy or to kill everyone in it, they could have easily done so. Security of Russian diplomats is ensured by the SVR (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki – the Foreign Intelligence Service). The fact that the US troops fired on the convoy for about forty minutes but did not come close may indicate that there was resistance. This is unlikely but possible. On the Syrian border the diplomats were met and escorted by a unit of Syrian Special Forces.
Another possibility is that the Russian diplomats were trying to remove Saddam’s archives from Baghdad. It is difficult to estimate the significance of such a scenario without knowing what was contained in the archives. If there were any archives. The US needs to justify the war in Iraq. It needs to justify its decision to go to war without the UN support. The only possible way to justify this is to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. If Saddam’s archives contained some information in this regard then this may certainly justify the attack on the Russian diplomats.
US oil supplies are running low and Iraqi oil will not resolve the situation any time soon. War-related ups and downs of the market are now being replaced by the pre-war downward trend. The war was indecisive, its results are unclear and its conclusion is still in the distant future. But right now the Bush administration needs to find a way to lift the UN against Iraq. That’s the only legal way of doing business in Iraq. And the only way the UN can lift its own sanctions is to put the weapons inspectors on the ground, who will certify that Iraq is free of illegal weapons. Before this happens the US absolutely has to find these weapons - even if they do not exist.
One possible cargo that would certainly explain the attack on the Russian diplomats would be Saddam himself. A number of newspapers in Russia, Middle East and in the West speculated that Saddam Hussein may be in Russia and that Russia might have played a key role in the unexpected disappearance of Hussein, his ministers and his army. Russia is one of very few countries that may have the will and, most importantly, the ability to provide Saddam Hussein with asylum. In this regard Syria may actually be Saddam’s last choice for a refuge. In Russia Saddam can get lost and nobody will ever find him, his family, or the members of his government.
What’s in it for Russia? Why should Russia put so much on the line to snatch the Iraqi dictator from the hands of the Pentagon? Why should Russia aid the US in dismantling the Iraqi defenses? Russia has certain financial interests associated with the situation around Iraq.
Follow the money
There is a range of Russia’s financial interests associated with Iraq. There are Iraqi debts to the USSR for purchased weapons, among other things; there are oil deals between Russian oil companies like LUKoil and the former government of Iraq. There also is a number of possibilities for Russia to benefit from the situation in Iraq. The US and the UK went it alone in the war against Iraq. No US resolution – no legal government in Iraq – no diplomatic recognition – no UN humanitarian programs, etc. Amid all the talk about the UN’s irrelevance the US still needs cooperation of countries like Russia, France and China to make sure that the quick victory in Iraq (with most of the Iraqi army and paramilitaries still armed and “missing”, the Baath party gradually returning to power and the country being filled with domestic and foreign Mudjahaddins) does not follow in the footsteps of the Soviet “quick win” in Afghanistan.
Some people were surprised by how quickly Russia agreed to consider forgiving Iraq’s Soviet debt estimated at around $10 billion. Russian government is now sending mixed signals but there may be good reasons for this decision. Currently Russia itself owes about $123.5 billion in old Soviet debts to the IMF representing creditors like US, France, Germany, the UK and other countries as well as to individual creditors represented by the London Club and the Paris Club. Just during the last few years of its existence under Gorbachev the USSR borrowed over $40 billion from the West on top of the already very substantial Soviet foreign debt. Since Gorbachev Russia borrowed about $65 billion ($9.6 billion in foreign loans in 1992; over $3.4 billion in 1993; more than $3.3 billion in 1994; nearly $7.6 billion in 1995; about $14.3 billion in 1996; almost $7.3 billion in 1997; $17.5 billion in 1998; under $1.4 billion in 1999 and a just over $1 billion in 2000).
In the 2003 Russian budget the debt repayment expense category for the IMF debt is $3.5 billion, which is roughly 1% of Russia’s GDP – a huge amount equivalent to about $100 billion in the US economy. Russia was able to restructure most of the old Soviet debts. Between 2002 and 2010 Russia is expected to fork out about $31 billion on the Soviet export credits. This is about six times the amount Russia spends yearly on its entire law enforcement system. After the 2010 Russian debt payments are scheduled to rise and will reach their peak in 2015 at $4 billion. Just in April of 2003 Russia will pay over $1 billion on its foreign debts and the overall debt payments in 2003 will amount to over $15.5 billion. Last year’s payments were $7.67 billion.
The situation in Iraq offers Russia a number of opportunities to get rid of some of the old Soviet debts or to restructure them. In exchange Russia may be willing to forgive Iraq’s debt (it’s not like Moscow expected to get this cash any time soon in any case). The US needs Russia’s support to give the air of legitimacy to the puppet government in Iraq. The US also needs support to get the UN involved in Iraq. While it may appear that the US is very reluctant to share the spoils of war with the UN, it is just an appearance. The US has no interest in providing the Iraqis with social services and security – this role the Americans would rather share with the UN. There is a range of diplomatic and legal problems for the US with the status of the aggression against Iraq and the existing UN sanctions against Iraq. Many of these problems can only be resolved with the UN support.
The US cannot afford to fund Iraq’s restoration out of its own budget – Iraq is just too big and expensive. Already the cost of the war is estimated at around $80 billion, which includes about $20 billion in direct military expenses, according to Pentagon. The war is far from over – in fact the most expensive part of the conflict is just beginning. Right now there’s about a half left of Bush’s proposed tax relief. Using the money coming from Iraq’s oil for now remains a distant prospect, not to mention the questionable legal status of this oil – again, a matter that only the UN can resolve. The US wants to the IMF and other international financial institutions to get involved in Iraq and this requires… Well, you guessed it.
Russia may be looking forward to arming the new Iraqi army. Just like in Afghanistan the US is paying for the Russian weapons supplied to the Northern Alliance, Russia is hoping the US may pay to arm the Iraqi army. The logic here is the same as in Afghanistan: the US-made weapons are too expensive for the Iraqis; the US will spend far more trying to supply Iraq with its own weapons as opposed to buying them from Russia. It will be also too expensive to train the Iraqis to use US-made weapons on a large scale. Already Iraq’s army is equipped with predominantly Russian weapons; weapons that have not seen new spare parts and qualified service for more than ten years. News reports coming from Iraq suggest that the US troops are trying to preserve working Iraqi military hardware for Iraq’s “new” army.
Reasons for the war
In early April FOX and CNN were showing some "frontline" footage from the area of the Baghdad university: some US troops were firing at a GAZ-66 air defense utility truck towing a GAZ-69 army jeep. According to the reporter, as soon as the US troops opened fire, the driver of the truck jumped out and ran. The US troops fired for another half-an-hour before approaching the vehicle that by now looked a piece of Swiss cheese.
The reporter said that someone told him that inside the truck they found a fake wall behind which they located some "electronic winch" that, according to someone, would allow to pick up and move laboratory vials containing chemicals or biological agents. Reporter himself did not see this equipment. The news show hosts begun speculating, calling all sorts of "experts" to hear their speculations and so on.
It was alleged that the truck might have been carrying some biological or chemical weapons or other substances. Meanwhile, the US troops walked around the "holy" truck and continued to shoot at it, briefly setting it on fire. Finally the cameraman approached the truck to get a closer shot.
Watching all this I could not help but wonder: chemical or biological weapons - a miniscule amount of that stuff would be enough to kill countless people. There is no easy way of detecting these substances in the field and accurate analysis requires at the very least a specialized field biochemical lab and often more serious equipment and specialists. But here are the US soldiers walking around what they say is a potential military biolab on wheels filled with bullet holes. Hmm...
The US troops are under the strictest of orders not to engage or even approach anything that even remotely reminds them of a biochemical weapon system without specific orders. All suspected sites have bee inspected by specialists and no soldier in his right mind would come close to what may be unsealed containers of sarin or bubonic plague. And yet here they are shooting at this old truck and digging inside it.
How strange that the cameraman came close to the truck even though he was supposedly told that the truck may contain biochemical agents. They cannot possibly pay them enough to risk dying in horrible agony when your brain slowly turns into liquid mush and your skin melts off your body. But the gullibility of most FOX and CNN viewers knows no bounds. "Why would the media lie?” they ask. Why wouldn't it?
Such ridiculous reports surprise me with their consistency. Every other day since early April we hear about possible chemical or biological weapons being found in Iraq. In one case a US Marine is holding some jars in his hands and says that these jars may contain chemical or biological weapons. But to hold these jars in his hands this soldier has to be absolutely certain that they do not contain any of the aforementioned substances. It is absolutely clear. Unless he is feeling suicidal but this does not seem to be the case. The British troops have found some bags of flour or sugar near Basra and called the journalists to claim a possible “biochemical find”. Every corporal and sergeant wants his five minutes of fame.
In the end, when the initial euphoria settles down, even the staunchest supporters of this war will begin to think about the reasons behind this conflict. No chemical or biological weapons – no reason and no possible legal justification. Years of threats and posturing in the UN, months of military buildup, tens of billions of dollars spent (and who knows how much more the US taxpayer will have to fork out for this adventure in the future) and the result is a three-week skirmish, thousands of civilian casualties, lawlessness and despair in Iraq, no chemical or biological weapons, no Saddam or his government, Baath party back in control and day after day of endless reports about attacks on US troops, protests, looting, more civilian casualties, etc., etc., etc. If Bush plans to hold a victory parade in Washington – right now would be a good time until the reality sets in. The US might as well bring some chemical weapons from New Jersey to “find” them in Iraq – Hussein’s secret stash. This may convince some CNN viewers but most will find this difficult to believe.
Next: Embedded propaganda. To be continued...