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(回答先: 【続報】イラク西部で発見されたミグ-25戦闘機はイラクには存在しないはずの機種だった。[iraqwar.ru] 投稿者 通りすがり 日時 2003 年 4 月 19 日 14:45:09)
Australians found MiGs Iraq never had?
On April 18 the coalition command in Iraq handed out a photo to the journalists showing two Australian Special Forces soldiers next to a camouflaged two-seater MiG-25 hidden under palm trees. The caption to the photo reads: “Australian Special Forces soldiers stand guard next to one of 51 Iraqi Air Force MiG fighter aircraft found under camouflage netting at an undisclosed location in Western Iraq in the last 24 hours April 18, 2003. Lieutenant Colonel Mark Elliott said some of the planes had been buried or covered with dirt while others were hidden in buildings or under camouflage netting.” Another photo is showing the tail section of the same MiG-25 with the camouflage net removed to reveal Iraqi flag on the aircraft’s tail. The caption reads “An Australian Special Forces soldier stands guard next to one of 51 Iraqi Air Force MiG fighter aircraft found under camouflage netting at an undisclosed location in Western Iraq April 18, 2003.” Both photos were released to Reuters by the Australian Defense Force.
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Elliott told Reuters that a total of 51 Iraqi military aircraft have been found – all MiG types with the most modern models dating to mid-1980s. Last Saturday, according to the U.S. Central Command, some 15 Iraqi combat aircraft were found undamaged under camouflage nets at Al Asad airfield northwest of Baghdad.
By the end of 2002 Iraq was believed to have several operational types of MiG aircraft, including 30 MiG-23MLs, 5 MiG-25PDs, 4 MiG-29s, 30 MiG-21PF/MF variants. The Australian photo, however, shows a two-seater MiG-25 – either a MiG-25PU or a MiG-25RU combat/recce trainer. Iraq was not known to have any two-seater MiG-25s. None of the two-seat modifications were ever sold to Iraq by the USSR or Russia. Countries known to operate the two-seat versions of the MiG-25 include: Algeria, Azerbaijan, India, Kazakhstan, Libya, Russia, Syria, and Turkmenistan.
While it is conceivable that Iraq had a MiG-25PU in service, this would be extremely unlikely. The stranger it is that the only photo of the supposedly captured 51 MiGs shows an aircraft Iraq was not known to have.
MiG-25 is very well-known aircraft. It was the aircraft that caused quite a commotion among Western defense analysts and the US Air Force generals when it first became public. The aircraft was conceived as a response to the US XB-70 Valkyrie supersonic strategic bomber project. With time the MiG-25 developed into a leading supersonic reconnaissance platform. The MiG-25s from Egypt and Syria for a long time operated with impunity over Israel gathering photo intelligence used for planning the 1973 war. A MiG-25 was taken to Japan by a Soviet defector VVS pilot Belenko, who later served with the USAF. To this day the MiG-25 is operated by Russia as a reconnaissance platform and it is still one of the fastest military aircraft in the world. Over Israel a MiG-25RB was clocked by the Israelis at Mach 3.1. A MiG-25 was the only Iraqi fighter to ever score a victory against a US fighter (a USN F/A-18) during the first Persian Gulf War.
ミグ-25は非常によく名高い航空機です。それが最初に公になった時、全く西側の軍事専門家およびUSエア力将軍の間の動揺を引き起こしたのは航空機でした。航空機は、米国XB-70ヴァルキュリヤ超音波戦略爆撃機プロジェクトに対する反応と見なされました。時間で、ミグ-25は主要な超音波の偵察プラットフォームへ発展しました。エジプトとシリアからのミグ25sは、長い間、1973年の戦争の計画のために使用されたイスラエル集い写真知能上で無事で作動しました。ミグ-25はソ連の離反者VVSパイロットBelenkoによって、日本(この人はUSAFでその後貢献した)に持っていかれました。今日まで、ミグ-25は偵察プラットフォームとしてロシアによって操作されます。また、それはまだ世界で最も速い軍用機のうちの1つです。イスラエル上に、ミグ25RBはマッハ3.1でイスラエル人によって計測されました。ミグ-25は常に第1のペルシャ湾戦争の間に米国の戦士(USN F/A-18)に対する勝利を成し遂げる唯一のイラクの戦士でした。
“Export MiG-25Ps are said to have seen action in various local wars. When the Gulf War broke out in the winter of 1991 the US command reported that a USAF McDonnell Douglas F-15C shot down two Iraqi MiG-25Ps with AIM-7M Sparrow AAMs after the MiGs behaved very aggressively and attacked a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. Sometimes, however, the tables were turned. In September 1992 the New York Times quoted a US Navy intelligence officer as saying that on 17th January 1991 -the second day of Operation 'Desert Storm'-an Iraqi MiG-25P shot down a McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet. Besides the Gulf War, Iraqi aircraft saw action during the Iran-Iraq war.MiG-25s of the Libyan Arab Republic Air Force were reportedly very active over the Mediterranean, especially when US Navy ships were exercising close at hand.” [Russia's Defensive Front Line: MiG-25 'Foxbat, MiG-31 'Foxhound', by Yefim Gordon, Aerofax 1997, p. 26]
「輸出ミグ-25Psは様々な局地戦でアクションを見たと言われています。湾岸戦争が1991の冬に起こった時、米国コマンドは、ミグが非常に積極的に作用し、ゼネラル・ダイナミックスF16ファイティング・ファルコンを攻撃した後、USAFマクダネル・ダグラスF-15CがAIM-7MスズメAAMで2のイラクのミグ-25Psを撃ち落とすと報道しました。しかしながら、時々、形勢が逆転しました。1992年9月に、ニューヨークタイムズは米国海軍情報将校が1991年1月17日にそれを言うと報道しました、オペレーションの―2日目「不毛、Storm'-イラクのミグ25Pはマクダネル・ダグラスF/A-18ホーネットを撃ち落としました。湾岸戦争に加えて、イラクの航空機はイラン-イラク戦争の間にアクションを見ました。伝えられるところによれば、特に米国軍艦が接近して近づいて練習していた時、リビア共和国空軍のミグ25sは地中海のものの上に非常に活発でした。」(ミグ-25)[ロシアの防衛の最前線:フルーツコウモリ、Yefimゴードン、Aerofax、p 1997によるミグ-31「フォックスハウンド。」26]
The MiG-25 is also used as a bomber. During the Iran-Iraq war the Iraqi MiG-25s were making high-altitude supersonic bombing raids against Iranian oil rigs and against Tehran. Among various types of Soviet-made munitions it can carry eight FAB-500 heat-resistant aviation bombs at speeds up to Mach 2.85. It is also believed that the MiG-25 can carry tactical nuclear weapons. As a high-altitude, high-speed fighter or bomber the MiG-25 is difficult to intercept even today. There are no operational interceptors in service anywhere in the world (except for MiG-31) that can match MiG-25’s speed and altitude performance. Due to its remarkable performance and possible nuclear capability Western intelligence agencies make a point of tracking the status of these aircraft in service around the world. A two-seater MiG-25 was not known to exist in Iraq, which operated only MiG-25P and MiG-25RB.
Browsing Image: Mysterious MiG