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Al-Qaeda suspects wanted? again!
Hassan Al-Zaidi
ADEN - After authorities confirmed reports that 10 al-Qaeda suspects escaped an Aden prison in the early morning hours of last Friday, those suspects have topped the wanted list of suspects again. The 10 elements have broken away from the Political Security prison in Aden governorate and headed towards the north of the city, whose main entrances and highways are currently closely monitored by intelligence and security forces.
Locals near the prison where the escapees were kept said that extensive movement of vehicles loaded with police forces were seen moving around in the area. However, no sign of any successful arrest was noticed.
A source at the Ministry of Interior said that around 4:30 a.m. of the day of escape -an official holiday- the suspects, who are thought to be al-Qaeda elements as well, made a hole in the bathroom wall of the prison cell and escaped.
Among the 10 suspects were two major al-Qaeda elements thought to have been involved in the USS Cole incident in October 2000. Those two were identified as Jamal Moahmmed Ahmed Fahd Mohammed al-Kasa.
The other eight escapees were:
- Yaser Ahmed al-Mansoub,
- ヤセール・アフマッドal-Mansoub、
- Mohammed Abdullah al-Ahdal,
- マホメット・アブドラal-Ahdal、
- Yaser Abdu Rabo Saleh,
- ヤセールAbdu Rabo Saleh、
- Mohammed Abdullah Dramah,
- マホメット・アブドラDramah、
- Khaldoon Mohammed Nasher,
- KhaldoonマホメットNasher、
- Saleh Mana?e Naji Annajar,
- Saleh Mana?e Naji Annajar、
- Mohammed Hassan al-Ahdal &
- マホメット・ハッサンal-Ahdal&
- Sameer Abdullah Mohammed.
- Sameerアブドラ・マホメット。
The details of how the suspects were able to escape from prison and whether they received any sort of assistance from within or out of their prison building are still unclear.
This came after the Yemeni security authorities have achieved a good job in tracking down some terrorist elements in the country, the last being an FBI most wanted named Fawaz Al-Rabaeei. The detention of Fawaz, who is thought to belong to one of the most dangerous terrorist cells in the country has been highly hailed by the US.
Among those recently captured and who were allegedly planning to carry out terrorist attacks against US interests in February 2002, are Forqan Attajeli, Forqan Asheshani, and Fares al-Barraq.
最近捕らえられたものの中で、また、申し立てによると、2002年2月に米国利益に対するテロリスト攻撃を行なうことを誰が計画していたかは、Forqan Attajeli、Forqan Asheshaniおよび料金al-Barraqです。
Analysts suggest that it is probable that there has been a link between the arrest of Fawaz Arrebeai and the escape of other 10 al-Qaeda suspects. But no evidence has been brought forward yet.
アナリストは、それが可能性が高いことを示唆します、それはそこでFawaz Arrebeaiの逮捕と他の10人のal-Qaeda容疑者の回避の間のリンクでした。しかし、証拠は前にまだもたらされていません。
Those suspects were part of a group of 17 suspects who were supposed to be tried for their links to the al-Qaeda network and possible involvement in the USS Cole incident when a small boat loaded with explosives was driven into the Cole as it
was refueling offshore the southern Yemeni port of Aden, killing seventeen American sailors after the boat blew a 40-foot hole in the ship at its waterline.
Fawaz Al-Raebaeei was arrested while he was heading for Aden accompanied by another associate called Hizam Saleh whose brother was killed in the car of Abu Ali al-Harethi in Mareb using a drone strike.
彼が、雄バチストライキを使用して、Marebの中のAbuアリal-Harethiの自動車でその兄弟が死んだHizam Salehと呼ばれるもう一人の仲間を同伴したアデンに向かっていた間、Fawazアル=Raebaeeiが阻止されました。
Informed sources said that Fawaz was arrested accidentally when he was found in a mountain cave in miserable health conditions as he was suffering from extreme thirst and hunger.
As for the options the 10 escapees have, sources close to the Ministry of Interior said that they expect them to change their facial features and try to hide in one of the governorates known for their tribal populations such as Shabwa, Al-Jawf or Mareb. The escapees are expected to separate so as they would not be arrested all at once.
It is expected that this incident would outrage US authorities who would be disappointed and could question the security conditions of the prison those elements were kept in. Among those suspects are two that are close relatives of the most wanted al-Qaeda suspect in Yemen, Hamdi al-Ahdal. Those are Mohammed Abdullah al-Ahdal and Mohammed Hassan al-Ahdal.
この出来事が失望し、それらの要素が維持された刑務所のセキュリティ条件を質問することができた米国の当局を憤慨させるだろうことが期待されます。それらの容疑者の中には、イエメン、Hamdi al-Ahdalで最も求められるal-Qaeda容疑者の親しい親類である2があります。それらはマホメット・アブドラal-Ahdalおよびマホメット・ハッサンal-Ahdalです。
Tribal sources say that despite their endless efforts, the government has never been able to locate al-Ahdal to either assassinate him ?as done before to al-Harethi- or having him arrested. The sources claim that he is probably moving between Shabwa and al-Jowf governorates.It is not ruled out that al-Ahdal may have facilitated the escape of the 10 al-Qaeda suspects.
種族の情報筋は、彼らの無限の努力にもかかわらず、政府がどちらかへのal-Ahdalを見つけることができないと言います、彼を暗殺する?以前に行われるようにal-Harethi-あるいは彼を逮捕すること出所は、Shabwaおよびal-Jowf governorates.Itの間に彼が恐らく移動していると主張します、除外されない、al-Ahdalは、10人のal-Qaeda容疑者の回避を促進したかもしれません