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イラクの戦争・さまざまな考え 1 [iraqwar.ru]
イラク軍の退却は見事に指揮されていた。ファオ半島、アン・ナジャフ、アン・ナシリアと続き、南から北へ。イラク軍は徐々にいなくなり、少ない損害と廃棄された道具を後に残した。数千の装甲車両のうち、我々が見たのはすこしだけのBMP1とT54,T55だった。T72の写真が3−4枚があったが、そのどれもが、簡単に視認可能な共和国防衛軍使用の反応装甲(?reactive armor)をつけた最新モデルではなかった。
イラクの「埋め込み」記者やフリーの記者たちは、大規模なイラクでの交戦の様子を伝えていない。我々は英軍砲兵隊が夜の闇に向かって砲撃したり、兵士が民家に激突したり、米軍海兵隊がトヨタのピックアップトラックをスイスのチーズに変えてしまったり、そして稀な例としてミサイルが一台だけの戦車や建物を破壊するのを見た。戦争がはじまる直前に情報機関やシンクタンクは、イラク軍の正規兵が35万から40万2千の間、15万の非常時兵力(irregular armed formations)と推測していた。
アラブのメディアではフセインの死に関する噂が続いている。アルジャジーラはサダムフセイン、その二人の息子ウダイとクサイ、そしてフセイン政権のほとんどの人間が、4月7日のバクダットのレストラン空爆で死亡したと報じている。もしこれになにか意味があるならば、それはサダム・フセインが生きているということの明らかな確証だろう。米軍や政府官僚は、その建物の下には防空壕があり、サダム・フセインはそこにいると主張していた。翌日英国の情報筋が、サダムはおそらく生きている、と報道陣に伝えた。これと同じころ、破壊されたそのビルには防空壕はないことがわかった(このことは破壊されたビルの残骸の写真から明白だった)。「防空壕」は実のところ地下の小さな一軒のレストランだった。サダムは居場所を秘匿して米軍の貫通爆弾(penetrating bombs)から自分を守るために、十分な数の秘密施設を地下に持っていた。これらの地下施設はそのほとんどは戦略核兵器による攻撃に耐えるように作られていた。例をあげよう。1999年のユーゴスラビア攻撃の際、米軍はユーゴスラビア空軍が使っていた飛行機の地下格納庫を、ただのひとつも貫通させることができなかった。さまざまな兵器がこれらの施設に使われ、貫通兵器や重量爆発型の爆弾(heavy volume-detonation bombs)も含まれていた。
War in Iraq: Random Thoughts , Part I
15.04.2003 [18:55]
“Iraq’s Armed Forces: equipment in service
Armour - MBT: Approximately 2,000 MBT probably `operational' including 500e × T-72/Asad Babl; 300e × T-62; 1,000e × T-54/55; some Type 59; some Type 69-2. Recce: approximately 600 recce vehicles available including PT-76; AML-60; AML-90; BRDM-1/2; EE-9. AIFV: approximately 800 to 900 BMP-1/2. APCs: possibly 2,000 × APCs including some MT-LB; ERC-90; Panhard M3; PSZH-IV; BTR-50; BTR-60; BTR-152; EE-11; OT-62; OT-64; Walid; Type 531; 20 × M113A1; M-60P; BMD-1.
Infantry - Rifles: 7.62 mm AK47M; 7.62 mm Qadis; 7.62 mm SKS. Sub-machine guns: 9 mm Sterling; 7.62 mm PPS-43. Machine guns: 7.62 mm M72B1; 7.62 mm MG34; 7.62 mm RPD; 7.62 mm SGM; 12.7 mm DShK; 0.303 in Bren. Anti-tank: 9M14 (AT-3) ATGW; M136 (AT-4) ATGW; Milan ATGW; HOT ATGW; SS-11 ATGW. Note: More than 3,000 ATGW missiles are believed to be available.
Artillery - SP: Probably 200 SP guns that could be considered operational including: 122 mm 2S1; 152 mm 2S3; 155 mm M109A1/A2; 155 mm Mk F3. Towed: Probably 1,500 towed guns that could be considered operational including: 210 mm Fao; 180 mm S-23; 155 mm Majoon; 155 mm G5; 155 mm GHN-45; 155 mm WA021; 155 mm M114; 152 mm D-1; 152 mm 2A36; 152 mm M1937; 152 mm Type 66; 130 mm M-46; 130 mm Type 59; 130 mm Type 59-1; 122 mm Saddam; 122 mm D-30; 122 mm M1931/7; 122 mm M1938; 300 mm Sajeel. MRL: Possibly 200 operational including: 240 mm Nasr; 180 mm Sajeel 40; 140 mm MRS; 132 mm BM-13; 127 mm Astros II; 122 mm Abajeel; 122 mm Saqr-30; 122 mm BM-11; 122 mm M1975; 122 mm BM-21; 108 mm FGT. SSM: possibly 40 × FROG-7 ; possibly 6 × SCUD launchers (plus approximately 30 missiles).
Air Defence - SAM: Possibly 1,000 launchers available including MOWAG Roland; SA-2 Guideline; 30e × SA-3; 20e × SA-6; Strela-2M (SA-7); Antey 9K33 (SA-8); Strela-1 (SA-9); Strela-3 (SA-14).
Army Aviation - Attack: 12e × Mi-25; 20e × SA 319/AS-12, 10e × SA 316/gun; 20e × SA 342K/HOT. Support: 20e × SA 330F; 30e × BO 105CB/LS; 10e × Mi-6; 35e × Mi-8; 12e × Mi-17; 6e × BK-117 (SAR); 8e × Bell 214ST (VIP) transport; some Hughes 500 and Hughes 500MD reported; possibly 25 × PC-7/9 (fixed wing)”
(Jane's World Armies, October 29, 2002)
The ongoing war in Iraq is, perhaps, the most unusual armed conflict in history of modern warfare: disappearing armies and governments, illogical offensive and defensive operations on both sides of the front, information warfare on an unprecedented scale - this is not a war but a tale from Scheherazade's Thousand and One Nights. All is missing is a magic genie lamp. Well, the lamp may be there but the genie is gone. The following is not an attempt to analyze the current events in Iraq, but rather a quick look at some general impressions most of us share about this war.
Early stages of the war in Iraq boosted the positions of antiwar activists who predicted another Vietnam. The proponents of the war begun searching for the guilty party, pointing fingers toward Rumsfeld, Mayers and Franks. The latest US advances in Iraq reinforced the supporters of this war and the aggressive US foreign policy in general, while sending the antiwar activists into a downward spiral of pessimism and depression. Now the "hawks" are claiming victory without knowing or understanding anything that happened in Iraq. At the same time the antiwar masses focus on the humanitarian crisis in Iraq, accusing the US military of failing to protect the civilians.
Disappearing into the night
Independent of whether you support or oppose this war, you have to admit that the developments in Iraq during the past week took you by surprise. Granted, the US military capability is difficult to compare to that of Iraq - a country that was in a state of perpetual war for the past twenty-three years and under international embargo for well over a decade. Nevertheless, for about two weeks the Iraqi army was putting up stiff resistance - a fact acknowledged by the coalition military command. This was the first surprise. For nearly two weeks the superior coalition forces struggled to capture Umm Quasar - a tiny town with the population of 1,200 located on the border with Kuwait just a few miles from coalition positions.
During these two weeks the Iraqi troops held on to the Fao peninsula and in the face of overwhelming odds were deflecting all attacks by the British forces supported by massive numbers of coalition aircraft. The Iraqi defenses held around Basra, An Nassiriyah, An Najaf and a number of other cities. During a single day of fighting near An Nassiriyah the coalition forces lost 33 troops - a fact officially confirmed by the coalition command. The coalition was clearly running out of steam required for the push toward Baghdad, its overstretched supply lines were under constant attacks and reinforcements were weeks away from entering combat. The northern front never materialized due to Turkey's unexpectedly strong opposition.
Saddam Hussein was killed at least five times during this conflict. Donald Rumsfeld's definitive position on the subject was that "Saddam is either dead or alive." The very first bomb dropped on Baghdad in this war killed Hussein. And then he was killed every other day until he appeared in the middle of Baghdad surrounded by bodyguards and cheering public - a gutsy move for a man being hunted by the world's most sophisticated war machine. With this single move Saddam destroyed two weeks of coalition propaganda efforts. But this public appearance turned out to be a farewell gesture.
Hussein always avoided making public appearances. He even avoided live TV broadcasts. His appearance in downtown Baghdad - and, yes, there is a consensus that it was actually him and not his double - under bombs, surrounded only by a small group of bodyguards was a remarkable event. Many anticipated more fierce Iraqi resistance as the result of this public appearance by Hussein. What happened was exactly the opposite.
One after another Iraqi defensive positions have folded. Clearly they were not defeated and the coalition never actually claimed to have defeated them. Iraqi defenses simply disappeared leaving behind unexploded bridges, few minefields, and mostly undamaged oil wells. Most bridges and oil wells were wired with explosives but never detonated. A few oil wells were set ablaze but only to provide a smoke screen against the coalition aviation. Some bridges sustained minimal damage from the Iraqi artillery but this was the extent of it.
The withdrawal of the Iraqi forces was very organized: Fao peninsula, Basra, An Najaf, An Nassiriyah and so on from south to north. The Iraqi army was gradually disappearing leaving little damaged or abandoned equipment behind. Out of thousands of armored vehicles we have seen just a handful old BMP-1s and T-54/55s. There have been photos of about 3-4 T-72s - none of them the easily identifiable upgraded type with the reactive armor used by the Republican Guard divisions.
"Embedded" journalists and freelancers in Iraq produced no footage of any large-scale engagements in Iraq. We could see British artillery firing into the night, soldiers crashing into private residences, US Marines turning empty Toyota pickup trucks into Swiss cheese and on a few rare occasions a missile destroying a standalone tank or a building. Immediately before the war most intelligence services and analytical think tanks estimated Iraq's army at between 350,000 and 402,000 regular troops in addition to about 150,000 irregular armed formations.
The coalition claimed destroyed Iraqi divisions, captured hundreds of tanks and thousands of Iraqi troops. At the very beginning of the war the coalition command claimed that the entire Iraqi 51st Infantry Division has surrendered. Clearly staged videos showing only about a hundred Iraqi POWs - many not in uniform - accompanied this claim. Later the coalition admitted to being 'overly optimistic' in claiming the surrender of the 51st division. Recently the coalition claimed that the entire Iraqi army corps has surrendered. But there were no photos and no videos to celebrate such a monumental event.
In 2001 and 2002 Iraq conducted military parades in Baghdad using over a thousand armored combat vehicles, including BMP-type armored fighting vehicles and upgraded T-72s. This at least confirms that a large number of these vehicles were in serviceable condition. The total number of operational armored combat vehicles, including main battle tanks of several types, APCs, IFVs, reconnaissance vehicles was over 5,000. Operational. This means that we have to find all this armor somewhere in Iraq. Or maybe not in Iraq? In any case, we are yet to see any appreciable number of tanks and APCs destroyed or captured by the coalition.
There were no reports of Iraq using one of its most potent weapons - the mobile multiple-launch rocket systems of which Iraq had about 200. According to Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, during just the first quarter of 2002 the Iraqi air defenses launched several hundred surface-to-air missiles at the coalition aircraft patrolling the 'no-fly' zones. In this war, however, after two weeks of minimal activity the Iraqi air defenses have disappeared. The few examples of SAMs and AAAs found by the coalition forces in Baghdad, Basra and other cities are just a drop in a bucket of Iraq's pre-war arsenal.
Some news reports suggest that a massive surrender deal was worked out between the coalition and the Iraqi Republican Guard. So far, however, we have not seen any evidence of such a deal. An agreement on this scale requires mutual trust on the same scale. This is likely to remain an unfulfilled requirement. Many Iraqi army officers remain convinced that the 1991 ‘Road to Baghdad massacre’ was the result of the US violating a ceasefire agreement reached between Iraq and the US as the result of Soviet mediation. In 1991 the Soviet Union attempted to negotiate a peace deal between the US and Iraq and in doing so the Soviets poorly coordinated their actions with the US.
The Soviet position was vague and some can argue that it was misleading as well. There is no question that Saddam Hussein had a clear picture of these negotiations, but many of his troops did not. It is a popular belief in Iraq that the US launched a cowardly attack on the withdrawing Iraqi army after a ceasefire agreement has been reached. This belief would make any large-scale agreements between the coalition and the Iraqi army very difficult. In any case, the recent reports by Al Jazeera and the Jordanian media regarding a possible deal between the US and the commander of the Iraqi Republican Guard Gen. Maher Sufyan are complete nonsense.
Rumors of Hussein’s death persist in the Arabic media. Al Jazeera reported that Saddam Hussein, his two sons - Uday and Qusay - and most of Hussein’s government were killed during the US bombing of a restaurant in Baghdad on April 7. If anything, this is a clear confirmation that Saddam Hussein is alive. Just a reminder: on April 7 the US dropped a guided bomb onto a residential building in Baghdad. The US military and government officials claimed that there was a bunker under the building and that Saddam Hussein was believed to be in there. A day later British intelligence sources told the press that Saddam is likely to be alive. About the same time it was uncovered that the destroyed building had no bunker (this was immediately obvious from the photos of the building’s remains). The “bunker” turned out to a small restaurant on the basement floor. Saddam has enough secret underground facilities in Iraq to avoid making a choice between secrecy of the location and its protection against US penetrating bombs. Most of these underground facilities were made to withstand a hit of tactical nuclear weapon. For example, during the 1999 aggression against Yugoslavia the US was not able to penetrate a single underground hangar used by the Yugoslav Air Force. A variety of weapons were used against these facilities, including penetration weapons and super-heavy volume-detonation bombs.
The likelihood of Saddam, his sons and his entire government meeting at a public place in downtown Baghdad under US bombs for bite of baklava with some tea is not very high. Saddam is many things but careless is not one of them.
Next: The failings of hi-tech. To be continued...