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【謀略!! 略奪扇動犯はこいつらだ!!】米軍特殊部隊と行動を共にしているICNUなる新米イラク人組織の正体
投稿者 磯中源太郎 日時 2003 年 4 月 12 日 19:54:29:kquuw.PFJWLkM

↑上の写真がナジャフにあらわれた謀略扇動集団・挙国一致のためのイラク人連合( Iraqi Coalition of National Unity (ICNU))。破壊したフセイン像にのぼって御満悦のICNUリーダーのひとり、鬼畜・ハッサン・ムサウィ。

「フィナンシャル・タイムス」(4月9日付)の記事によりますと、ナジャフでは、挙国一致のためのイラク人連合( Iraqi Coalition of National Unity (ICNU))という組織が米軍の特殊部隊の車両に乗って現れ、略奪を奨励したとこのことです。このICNUなる組織が各地で略奪と破壊を奨励しているのではないでしょうか。



But the Free Iraqi Army isn't the only US-backed force operating in southern Iraq, it appears. The Financial Times reports that citizens of Najaf, seized by US troops last week, now find themselves under the control of a little-known Iraqi militia apparently supported by US special forces.

"The Iraqi Coalition of National Unity (ICNU), which appeared in the city last week riding on US special forces vehicles, has taken to looting and terrorising the people with impunity, according to most residents.

'They steal and steal' said Abu Zeinab, a man living near the Medresa al Tayif school. 'They threaten us, saying 'we are with the Americans, you can do nothing to us.''

Sa'ida al-Hamed, another resident, says she has witnessed looting by the ICNU and other armed gangs in the city, which lost its police force when the government fled last week. One man told a US army translator on Monday that he was taken out of his house and beaten by ICNU forces when he refused to give them his car. They took it anyway, he said.

If true, the testimony of residents in Hay al-Ansar reveals a darker side to US policy in Iraq. In their eagerness to hand local administration back to Iraqis, US forces are in danger of losing the peace as rapidly as they have won the war, by handing power back to tyrants."

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