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9 Scenarios for Sadam's disappearance/Al Khaleej Newspaper (of
UAE)11/4/2003 (unofficial translation)
9 Scenarios for Sadam's disappearance
Al Khaleej Newspaper (of UAE)
(unofficial translation)
1- Sadam was killed at the hands of main aids after the sudden fall of Baghdad without any resistance.A deal might have been struck between those aids and the U.S to kill Sadam and stop fighting and withdrew and in return save their lives. (according to a formerEgyptian military officer)
2- Sadam and his two sons were killed when he was holding a meeting at Al Mansour district with his aids last Monday. The news might have reached the Information Minister during his last press conference when he seemed confused and abruptly stopped the conference. The U.S didn't announce that because it doesn't want Sadam to become a martyr but instead it prefers Sadam is preceived as if he ran away from the battle so his statues are destroyed and the whole regime collapse and humiliated. Also if the U.S A discloses that Sadam is killed, the resistance might become fierce. Why didn't the U.S.A make a WANTED ad for Sadam's head as what it did for Ben Laden?
(Western sources)
3- Sadam committed suicide in Baghdad (according to rumors in Iraq).
4- Sadam and at least one of his sons survived and are hiding in Northeast Baghdad ( according to Al Galabi.)
5- Sadam fled Iraq.
6- Sadam took refugee at the Russian Embassy in Baghdad, a scenario described by Moscow as a "hallucination".
7- hiding somewhere in Iraq
8- the U.S special forces started searching for Sadam and his aids after the collapse of Baghdad. But Iraqi leadership communications' stooped suddenly propably as a result of an order from Sadam or his aids to disappear (Washington Post).
9- the head of the Republican guards Maher Sufian struck a deal with the U.S and asked the guards to stop fighting and go home and in return keep his life. Later on an Apache has took Maher home (LBC TV).
The staues that were destroyed in Iraq were not of Sadam's but the statues of Saddam look alikes! (Al Dastour Newspaper of Jordan)
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電網宝庫(ホームページ:→)altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
電網速報『亜空間通信』(2001.09.01.創刊 2003.04.12.現在、568号発行済)