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●『A Day in the life of Planet Earth 』というメルマガが転送されてきました。
A Day in the life of Planet Earth
11th-12th April 2003
That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of nations, is as shocking as it is true; but when those who are concerned in the government of a country, make it their study to sow discord, and cultivate prejudices between nations, it becomes the more unpardonable.
Thomas Paine, "The Rights of Man" circa 1792
Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.
General Douglas Macarthur, 1957
●US says flag incident was a 'coincidence' * See attached photo
The US army denied that the toppling of the 20ft edifice by a tank tower was stage-managed. It was a coincidence, they said, that Lt Tim McLaughlin, the keeper of that flag, happened to be present.
I continue to be amazed at the gullibility of Americans--their shallowness--and infantile understanding of events and world politics. Conditioned and programmed as they are to reality TV....they watch a ridiculous charade of a bunch of thugs pulling down a grotesque statue and that is the victorious--emotion--the front page picture of "liberation".
●US Alternative To Saddam Has Criminal Record
In 1992, a Jordanian court sentenced Chalabi in absentia to 22 years in prison with hard labour, [ 31 charges of embezzlement, theft, misuse of depositor funds etc. etc. ] after the collapse of the businessman's Jordanian bank. Chalabi's financials were questioned again in January last year when the US State Department suggested the INC had misspent $2.2 million of US funding.
●America's sovereign right to do whatever it pleases
America has refused to have anything to do with the International Court for War Crimes, but then the Creator never granted international institutions that purity of essence that is America's peculiar birthright. International institutions are corrupt. They are foreign. And they are not inclined to do things in the American way.
●Arab Media decries US "killing of witnesses"
Arab media accused the United States on Wednesday of intentionally "killing the witnesses" in angry condemnation of attacks in which three journalists died in Baghdad.
●'Hitler' Exec Producer Fired Over Remarks
The executive producer of a CBS miniseries about Adolf Hitler's rise to power has been fired after giving an interview in which he compared the current mood of Americans to that of the Germans who helped Hitler rise to power.
●Police Stop Collecting Data on Protesters' Politics
When a series of large antiwar protests began nearly eight weeks ago, the New York Police Department started questioning hundreds of people arrested at the demonstrations about their prior political activity and recording the information in a database.
But yesterday, after the practice came to light, the Police Department said it would destroy the database, created with a debriefing form, and largely abandon the initiative, which civil libertarians and constitutional law experts said was deeply troubling.
●Freedom to Read Protection Act
Last month Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT.) introduced the "Freedom to Read Protection Act," legislation designed to exempt libraries and booksellers from provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act that allow the federal government to search their records without a traditional search warrant. This is the first legislation that has been introduced in the House of Representatives that would amend the Patriot Act.
●Was 9/11 Allowed to Happen?
Members of congressional committees investigating September 11th warnings said that there is far more damaging information that has not yet been disclosed about the government's knowledge of events leading up to Sep 11th. 'We've just scratched the surface,' said Senator Richard C. Shelby, ranking Republican member of the Senate intelligence committee." [Washington Post, 5/17/02]
●A Transformation from War to Peace - An American Indian view
Now is the time for us to take responsibility for our future and the future generations. We must use our voices and speak up! Act out! We are not powerless. We have to let people know that we all have the power to do something about this conflict and misunderstanding!