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●国連でイラク攻撃の是非が激しく論じられていた2月に、米国の強力なシオニストロビーであるメディア投資家のハイム・サバンが、ドイツ最大のテレビ局をとつぜん買収しにかかったという話題は、3月15日に紹介しましたが(WA25 969 2003/3/15 01:02:04)、今回も、成り行きによっては大規模な買収話なんかに発展するかも……。
ACT NOW: Jewish groups to block Al-Jazeera broadcast in Canada
Alert Generated by Women Against Occupation
Below is an article outlining the up and coming attempts of the Canadian Jewish Lobby to intervene against the proposed broadcasting of Al-Jazeera here in Canada.
As a collective, we need to intervene on behalf of the Al-Jazeera network, and ensure that Canadians have the chance to see alternate news sources and images.
Once you have completed reading the article, please follow these instructions so as to ensure you make your voice heard (I suggest you open a new browser and keep this article open, so as to ensure you do not run into problems):
Cut and paste this link:
Scroll down to Item # 27, and at the bottom right of the text for this particular piece, there is a link titled Intervention Form
Choose Public Hearing from the drop down menu
Insert your comments, in support of the channel
at the next page, simply click on the Select link
check the box next to Application No. 200207929 (one of the first on the
from the drop down menu, choose whether or not you would like to participate in an oral hearing if one were to be held (NOTE: you must provide a reason as to why you would choose Yes as a response)
once you have completed filling out your personal information, you must check the box at the bottom, regarding serving the Applicant
Confirm & submit
You will be given a reference number; this will be emailed to you, as a final form of confirmation. Make sure to keep the email for future appeal possibilities.
Jewish groups aim to block Al-Jazeera in Canada
The Globe
Wednesday, April 9, 2003
Canada's two largest Jewish organizations say they plan to oppose an attempt by the Canadian Cable Television Association to carry the Al-Jazeera network on its members' digital-cable service.
Calling the Qatar-based network "anti-Semitic," the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith Canada will intervene in hearings against the CCTA plan.
Last week, the association, as a prelude for licensing hearings, asked that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission include Al-Jazeera as part of a bundle of "ethnic" channels on the CRTC's list of eligible satellite services.
At the same time, the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations says it will intervene in favour of Al-Jazeera, arguing "it would broaden the horizon of the Canadian public" with respect to issues in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Keith Landy, president of the Ottawa-based Canadian Jewish Congress, said his organization's "close monitoring" of Al-Jazeera, started in 1996, shows that its programming and journalism is marred by "blatant anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and the glorification of suicide bombers.
"We certainly don't want this to appear as a political attempt to prevent another view from being aired," Landy said. "But by granting them a licence, the kind of stories that they carry could contravene the Criminal Code," as well as hate legislation, the federal government's terrorism act and broadcast regulations established by the CRTC and the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council.
Joseph Ben-Ami, director of communications for B'nai Brith Canada, agreed. "Al-Jazeera is quite well known as a network that transmits blatantly anti-Israel material and sometimes anti-Semitic material. It has no place in Canada, at least not under the sanction of the government of Canada" -- a reference to the CRTC, which operates as an arms-length adjudication body under the Canadian Heritage ministry.
However, Hussein Amery, president of the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations, says interventions against Al-Jazeera by the CJC and B'nai Brith are "a form of censorship and suppression of the media" at a time when concentration of media ownership is "restricting our perspectives of the world."
Amery noted that some Canadians are already watching Al-Jazeera via the U.S. DirecTV service, using illegal "grey-market technologies" to get its signal. "The CCTA wouldn't have made the decision it did if there wasn't a pent-up demand for Al-Jazeera."
It could be quite some time before hearings are held on the CCTA application. Indeed, even if the CRTC agrees to list Al-Jazeera and then hold hearings, CCTA representatives still have to strike licensing deals with the channels themselves and set fee levels -- all of which could mean it won't be until early 2004 that Al-Jazeera secures a legal berth in Canada.
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● ……ところで今月始めに、やはりケーブルテレビの話題で、
WA30 129 2003/4/02 07:25:26
投稿者: 佐藤雅彦
Israeli Cable TV Companies Drop BBC
Source: Dar Al-Hayat 2003/04/01