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WASHINGTON, Apr 9, 2003 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- As the US forces claimed
major progress in their war on Iraq, The New York Times, a major newspaper
of the country, questioned Wednesday the grounds on which the United States
launched invasion against the oil-rich country.
As the US-led forces "seize control of more Iraqi real estate every day,"
the paper said, "one of the questions still to be answered is whether Saddam
Hussein has the unconventional weapons that were cited as the prime reason
for launching the invasion."
"Solving this mystery requires urgent, neutral investigation once the allies
gain full control of Iraq and can mount a sustained search," the paper said
in an editorial entitled "in search of horror weapons."
The local press has disclosed US intelligence information showing that Iraq
might have up to 500 tons of nerve and mustard agents and 30,000 munitions
capable of delivering them; material to produce 25,000 liters of anthrax and
38,000 liters of botulinum toxin; and mobile or underground laboratories to
make germ weapons.
However, the editorial said, "almost every day brings new reports that
advancing troops have found indications of chemical weapons, but the
evidence has been mostly small-scale and circumstantial."
Gas masks, protective suits, nerve gas antidotes, training manuals, a few
barrels of suspicious chemicals and so on were seized by the US-led forces,
which were reported by local media and aired by local TV.
But the paper said "no actual chemical weapons have been clearly identified
yet, and there is no conclusive proof that any suspicious chemicals are
warfare agents and not pesticides."
"That judgment could change in the blink of a laboratory technician's eye,"
the paper said. "Then the issue would become whether Iraq had significant
quantities of lethal materials and the means to deliver them."
Copyright 2003 XINHUA NEWS AGENCY.