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ロバート・フィスク 4/14 [Independent]
イラクのハイエナたちは、アメリカ人たちが略奪と放火を許したものだけを盗み、破壊した −そしてバクダットの中を二時間、車で走ると、アメリカ人が何を守ろうとしているのか、おのずから明らかになった。数日間の放火と略奪の後の、短いがあからさまな得点表は次のとおりである。米軍が黙視し、暴徒による破壊と放火を許したのは計画省、教育省、灌漑省、貿易省、工業省、外務省、文化省と情報省だった。バクダットの考古学博物館と北の都市、モスールの博物館にあった、計り知れない価値を持つ秘宝の略奪者による破壊や、3つの病院からの略奪に関して、米軍は妨害しようとしなかった。
一方、アメリカ人はイラクの二つの省には数百人の兵士を配置し、そこは被害を受けることはなかった。禁止されていたのだ。なにしろ、戦車と装甲兵員輸送車両、フンビー(訳註 ジープ型車両)がこれらの省の建物の中にもそとにも配置させられていた。そしてこれらの省がアメリカ人に取ってとても重要だったことを証拠立てている。内務省、これは当然ながら、イラクに関する情報分析が豊富にある場所だ。そして石油省。イラクの最も価値ある資産−油田とさらにもっと重要である膨大なその蓄え−に関する資料とファイルは安全で無傷で、暴徒や略奪者の群れからは隔てられており、ワシントンがほぼ確実にそうするつもりであるアメリカの石油会社との共有、そのために確保されている。
Americans defend two untouchable ministries from the hordes of looters
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
14 April 2003
Iraq's scavengers have thieved and destroyed what they have been allowed to loot and burn by the Americans – and a two-hour drive around Baghdad shows clearly what the US intends to protect. After days of arson and pillage, here's a short but revealing scorecard. US troops have sat back and allowed mobs to wreck and then burn the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Irrigation, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Information. They did nothing to prevent looters from destroying priceless treasures of Iraq's history in the Baghdad Archaeological Museum and in the museum in the northern city of Mosul, or from looting three hospitals.
The Americans have, though, put hundreds of troops inside two Iraqi ministries that remain untouched – and untouchable – because tanks and armoured personnel carriers and Humvees have been placed inside and outside both institutions. And which ministries proved to be so important for the Americans? Why, the Ministry of Interior, of course – with its vast wealth of intelligence information on Iraq – and the Ministry of Oil. The archives and files of Iraq's most valuable asset – its oilfields and, even more important, its massive reserves – are safe and sound, sealed off from the mobs and looters, and safe to be shared, as Washington almost certainly intends, with American oil companies.
It casts an interesting reflection on America's supposed war aims. Anxious to "liberate" Iraq, it allows its people to destroy the infrastructure of government as well as the private property of Saddam's henchmen. Americans insist that the oil ministry is a vital part of Iraq's inheritance, that the oilfields are to be held in trust "for the Iraqi people". But is the Ministry of Trade – relit yesterday by an enterprising arsonist – not vital to the future of Iraq? Are the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Irrigation – still burning fiercely – not of critical importance to the next government? The Americans could spare 2,000 soldiers to protect the Kirkuk oilfields but couldn't even invest 200 to protect the Mosul museum from attack. US engineers were confidently predicting that the Kirkuk oilfield will be capable of pumping again "within weeks".
There was much talk of a "new posture" from the Americans yesterday. Armoured and infantry patrols suddenly appeared on the middle-class streets of the capital, ordering young men hauling fridges, furniture and television sets to deposit their loot on the pavement if they could not prove ownership. It was pitiful. After billions of dollars of government buildings, computers and archives have been destroyed, the Americans are stopping teens driving mule-drawn carts loaded with second-hand chairs.