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Monday, April 7, 2003 Posted: 11:12 AM EDT (1512 GMT)
■At least 6 killed in battle for Baghdad
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- At least two soldiers and two journalists were killed in fighting in and around Baghdad, and two Marines also were killed Monday, military sources said.
バグダッド,イラク (CNN) --少なくとも2人の兵士と、2人のジャーナリストが、バグダッド周辺の戦闘に於いて死亡。そしてさらに2人の海兵隊員が月曜04/07中に死亡した。と軍の情報筋は云う。
Two soldiers and two reporters died and 15 others were injured Monday when an Iraqi missile struck the tactical operations center of the 2nd Brigade of the U.S. Army's Third Infantry Division, located south of the Iraqi capital, Army sources told CNN's Walter Rodgers, embedded with the Division's 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry.
第3騎兵大隊、第7機甲連隊に同行のCNN記者Walter Rodgersに語った軍の情報によると、首都南で米軍第3歩兵部隊第2旅団の作戦本部が月曜04/07にイラクのミサイル攻撃を受け、2人の兵士と、2人のジャーナリストが死亡し、他に15人が負傷した。
Pentagon sources told CNN that six soldiers initially listed as missing might have been killed in the strike.
Three battalions from the 2nd Brigade, including tanks and armored vehicles, conducted operations inside Baghdad for the third straight day Monday. While U.S. officials characterized earlier incursions as raids and reconnaissance missions, Army sources told CNN that the units will not withdraw from the Iraqi capital.
In the second incident, two U.S. Marines died after an armored personnel carrier attached to the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, was hit as the unit tried to secure a bridge over the Tigris River outside Baghdad, military sources said.
The Marines were originally uncertain whether the armored personnel carrier was hit by Iraqi artillery or friendly fire, but later confirmed that it was Iraqi fire, according to CNN's Martin Savidge, who is embedded with the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines.
第7海兵隊、第1大隊に同行のCNN記者Martin Savidgeによると、海兵隊は当初、その兵員輸送装甲車が受けたのはイラク側の攻撃なのか、それとも味方の誤射なのか、確信がもてなかったが、その後イラク側の攻撃であったことが確認された。
CNN correspondents Walter Rodgers and Martin Savidge contributed to this report.
U.S. Marines help a comrade after an artillery shell hit their armored personnel carrier near Baghdad.