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Russian Military intel update: War in Iraq, April 7 (morning)
07.04.2003 [19:14]
4月7日未明(? morning-night)の前線は激しい戦闘が行われた。団子軍はバクダットを西から東に包囲しつづけている。未明の間に(?During the night-morning )第二旅団及び第三機甲師団は前回に述べたように5時間かけてバクダットの北側入り口に到着し、戦略上の要所であるサラー・カーサン(Salah-Khasan)橋に至る地域を占領した。しかし激しいミサイル攻撃と砲撃によって橋を奪うことはできなかった。10人にのぼる死亡、20人が負傷。朝、イラクの戦術ミサイルによって、旅団は通信センターを失った。
The situation on the US-Iraqi front during the morning-night on April 7th was characterized by extreme fierceness of combat. During the night-morning the coalition units continued to encircle the city from west and east. The 2nd brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Division, as was revealed before, after a five-hour march reached the northern approaches of Baghdad and occupied the region bordering to the strategic bridge Salah-Khasan, but was unable to seize the bridge itself because of a heavy missile and artillery barrage. Up to 10 men were killed, at least 20 wounded. In the morning the brigade lost its communication center destroyed by a tactical Iraqi missile.
From south-east the American marine units that had repeatedly tried to seize a strategic bridge across the Diyala, as we assumed before, during the night advanced to the eastern suburbs of the New Baghdad and by the morning tried to take over bridges near the “Rashid” airport. In this violent conflict the bridges were destroyed by the Iraqi artillery and the marines sustained losses. According to intercepted radio communications up to 5 marines were killed, at least 12 wounded. 3 APC and 1 tank were destroyed.
昨夜マンスール地域のチグリス川右岸では、200人にのぼる米軍突撃隊が政府関連ビルのブロックに降下した。これとは又別に、この地域の二つの宮殿にも複数の戦闘部隊が降下した。この作戦の最終目的はサダムフセイン政権の高級官僚を捕獲することであった。これらの降下はほぼ同時に探知され、交戦が始まった。午前7時、突撃隊員を包囲から解放するために、増援部隊として第3機甲師団第一旅団が街の中に進軍し、2時間後にカディッシア(Kadissiya )道路に沿うハイファ(Haifa )通りに入り込み、チグリスの岸辺に到着した。この動きはイラク軍にとっては予測しなかった事態であり、最初は全く抵抗を受けなかった。政府の波止場地域(the region of the government quay)でイラク軍の防衛線に邂逅した。3時間の戦闘の後に突撃隊はアメリカ側の陣地に入り、全ての米軍は街から退却した。米軍の損失は10人にのぼる死亡、20人の負傷、10人が行方不明。3台の戦車、3台のAPCが破壊された。
Last night on the right bank of the Tigris in the Al-Mansur region American commandos numbering up to 200 men landed in a block of government buildings. Apart from that, fighting squadrons landed on two government residences in this region. The goal of the operation was to capture top officials of Saddam Hussein’s administration. Almost immediately the airdrop was detected and engaged. In order to unblock the commandos at 7am an enforced tank battalion from the 1st brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Division entered the city and after a two-hour fight was able to break to the Haifa street along the Kadissiya roadway and partly reached the bank of the Tigris. This movement turned out unexpected by the Iraqis and met no resistance at first. But in the region of the government quay the American forces confronted with organized Iraqi defenses. After 3 hours of battle the commandos got to the American positions and the whole column fell back from the city.
The American losses total up to 10 men killed, 20 wounded and 10 missing. Up to 3 tanks and 3 APC were destroyed.
The commandos only examined a few government buildings in a hurry. All of them were found empty and no captives were taken.
The tolls of the Iraqi side during the day were up to 150 men killed and about 200 wounded. They lost up to 5 tanks and 8 guns.
By the afternoon Iraqi actions became more confident.
There is information that one of yesterday’s air strikes severely damaged one of their communication and control centers and currently the Iraqi command has to control their units using VHF-stations and envoys which delays battle-orders and commands.
Today the American command had to admit that the fighting potential of Baghdad defenders is “fairly high” and the rivals show no sign of demoralization.
Full update will be published tonight.
[ translated by Necroman ]