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29 March 2003:
538 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
US Forces Shocked And Awed By 15 Mujahideen Missile Blitz
In a ferocious Mujahideen operation 12 missiles were fired at Coalition locations in Paktia province all of which hit their target killing a suspected significantly high number of US casualties, however no official details of losses have been released by US forces.
In a separate attack, a Mujahideen unit fired three missiles at US forces in Gardez city, no details of casualties were available.
US Claims to Have Arrested Several Taliban Sympathisers
US Military spokesman Roger King claimed to have arrested several suspects having links with the Taliban in operations in Southern Afghanistan and to also have found large ammunition stores.
This large scale operation was initiated last week in which US Gunship helicopters were also employed.
Oil Tanker Explodes Near US Base in Southern Afghanistan
An Afghani official on the basis of anonymity disclosed that an oil tanker exploded near a US base in Southern Afghanistan close to Kandahar Airport late on Wednesday night.
This Pakistani oil tanker which was carrying 45,000 litres of oil which is vital to the American crusade to US bases in Southern Afghanistan was destroyed by a bomb, however no casualties were reported.
There were seven other oil tankers in the convoy carrying oil from Pakistan to American bases in Afghanistan, however they managed to do so without damage.
After the incident, Afghan officials blamed the Taliban or men loyal to Hekmatyaar for the attack.
"We Were Kept in Small Cages at Guantanamo", 19 Afghan Prisoners Disclose
Even though the US administration in flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention continues to execute a policy of torture on over 600 Muslim prisoners of war in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, little of this is, if at all is reported in the Western press.
However, a trickle of information is being received about the horrific condition for over 600 Muslim captives, amongst which 19 Afghans who have recently been released after spending over a year in Cuba started to describe.
These 19 Afghans were released after over a year when it was finally conceded by the US that they had nothing to do with either the Taliban or Al-Qaida.
These 19 Afghans have begun to tell of the appalling treatment inflicted on the Muslim prisoners including various forms of torture, food and sleep deprivation.
They painfully described that when the prisoners were not being tortured, they were locked in cages for close to 23 hours a day open to the blazing sun and vulnerable to all kinds of deadly tropical diseases.