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「イスラエルがミサイル」とイラク外相 イスラエルは否定
Web posted at: 02:38 JST
カイロ(CNN) イラクのサブリ外相は23日、「イスラエルのミサイルがバグダッドから見つかった」と述べ、「イラクに対する攻撃にイスラエルも加わっている」と非難した。イスラエル政府はこれについて否定している。
Israeli Missile Found
In Baghdad - Iraq TV
Agence France-Presse
BAGHDAD (AFP) -- An Israeli-made missile was found in Baghdad after US-led air bombardments of the capital, Iraqi state television charged on Sunday.
"An Israeli-made missile was found among the missiles fired by the forces carrying out bombing raids on Baghdad," the television said.
A powerful explosion reverberated around the Iraqi capital early Sunday followed by anti-aircraft fire and more blasts after air raid warning sirens sounded, an AFP reporter said.
The first dull blast which occurred just after 9:00 a.m. (0600 GMT) followed a night of violent bombardment, which briefly cut power to the southern suburbs where anti-aircraft gunners opened up.
Israel nimmt am Irak-Krieg teil
Der irakische Ausenminister Nadschi Sabri hat behauptet, Israel beteilige sich direkt am Krieg gegen den Irak. Zudem wies er Spekulationen zuruck, Saddam Hussein konnte bei Luftangriffen verletzt oder getotet worden sein.
Kairo - In El Durra, einem Stadtteil von Bagdad, sei eine nicht explodierte israelische Rakete entdeckt worden, sagte der irakische Ausenminister in einem Interview mit dem arabischen Fernsehsender al-Dschasira in Kairo. Sabri nimmt heute an einem Ausenministertreffen der arabischen Liga teil. Im Golfkrieg von 1991 hatte der Irak mehrere Raketen auf Israel abgefeuert. Israel hatte darauf jedoch auf Wunsch der USA nicht mit militarischen Mitteln geantwortet.
Bei Vorbereitungsgesprachen zu dem Treffen in der Nacht zum Montag traten erhebliche Differenzen zwischen den einzelnen Mitgliedern zu Tage. Einige Vertreter der 22 Mitglieder starken Organisation warfen den arabischen Golfstaaten, Kuweit, Katar, Bahrain und Oman vor, sie hatten mit ihrer Unterstutzung fur die amerikanischen und britischen Truppen gegen einen Anfang Marz beim Gipfel der Liga in Scharm al Scheich getroffene Vereinbarung verstosen. Darin war den Mitgliedstaaten jede Unterstutzung fur einen Angriff gegen den Irak verboten worden.
Sabri war in Kairo Spekulationen entgegengetreten, der irakische Prasident Saddam Hussein konnte bei den Luftangriffen der US-gefuhrten Streitkrafte getotet worden sein. "Herrn Saddam Hussein geht es sehr gut, er ist in guter Verfassung und fuhrt unser Volk und unseren Kampf gegen diese koloniale Aggression." Sabri fugte hinzu, "ihm geht es viel besser als US-Prasident George W. Bush und dem britischen Premierminister Tony Blair".
【Altavista を利用した英訳】 http://babelfish.altavista.com/
Israel participates in the Iraq war
The Iraqi minister of foreign affairs Nadschi Sabri maintained, Israel takes part directly in the war against the Iraq. Besides it rejected speculations, Saddam Hussein could with air raids have been hurt or killed.
Cairo - in El Durra, a quarter of Bagdad, an Israeli rocket exploded one discovered, did not say the Iraqi minister of foreign affairs in an interview with the Arab television station aluminium-Dschasira in Cairo. Sabri participates today in a minister of foreign affairs meeting of the Arab league. In the Gulf War of 1991 the Iraq had fired several rockets on Israel. Israel had not answered however when desired to it the USA with military means.
With preparation discussions to the meeting at the night to Monday substantial differences between the individual members stepped to day. Some representatives of the 22 members strong organization accused, them to the Arab Gulf States, Kuweit, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman with their support for the American and British troops against an at the beginning of March with the summit of the league in Scharm aluminium sheikh met agreement would have offended. Therein each support for an attack against the Iraq had been forbidden to the member states.
Sabri had advanced toward in Cairo speculations, the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein could have been killed with the air raids of the US-led armed forces. "Mr. Saddam Hussein is very well, he is in good condition and leads our people and our fight against this colonial aggression." Sabri added, "it goes it much better than US president George W. Bush and the British prime minister Tony Blair".
Last Update: Monday, March 24, 2003. 8:49am (AEDT)
Israel missile mystery solved
The mystery of what was thought to be an Israeli missile among the debris of a bombed-out building in Baghdad appears to have been solved.
Israel's biggest defence manufacturer, IMI, says what was found was one of their air-launched decoys.
Iraqi foreign minister Naji Sabri made much of the find, claiming during a visit to the Egyptian capital, Cairo, that it was proof of Israel's involvement in the bombardment of Baghdad.
But IMI says what was what found was part of an Israeli-manufactured drone called a Tald, which is launched from attacking aircraft to draw away anti-aircraft fire.
【だがIMI社によれば、バグダッドで発見されたのはイスラエルで製造した「タルド」(=Tactical Air Launch Decoy, 戦術空中発射デコイ)という無線操縦機で、これは対空砲火を誘い出す(ことで射撃場所を見つけだす)ために爆撃機から発射されるものだという。】
The company says it has also sold pilotless reconnaissance drones to the United States and a number of other countries, including Australia.
U.S. Military Employs Israeli Technology
By JIM KRANE, AP Technology Writer
March 22, 2003, 12:44 PM EST
The Bush administration has made clear it wants Israel to stay out of an Iraq war so as not to provoke Arab and Muslim countries assisting the United States.
But that won't stop Israel's weaponry and arms technology from being used against Iraqis.
After decades of U.S. military aid and defense cooperation, the U.S. military is permeated by technology developed in Israel -- from the Army's Hunter drones to the targeting systems on the U.S. Marines' Harrier jets to the fuel tanks on its F-15 fighters.
"We'll be shooting down some (French) Mirage 3s, I think, if the Iraqis ever come up. We may shoot them with an Israeli missile, from a U.S. warplane," said Joel Johnson, spokesman for the Aerospace Industries Association, a Washington-based industry lobby.
It would be hard to find a modern military that manages without technology developed by the Jewish state's feisty industry. Israel emerged last year as the world's No. 3 arms and military services exporter -- ahead of even Russia's massive arms industry, according to Jane's Defense Weekly.
That Israel's weaponry has found a place inside the mighty U.S. military points to the country's engineering prowess -- and its status as a favorite ally, said Yiftah Shapir of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University.
The U.S.-Israeli friendship "helps to a certain extent, but when it comes to commercial competition, these sentiments are put aside," Shapir said. "These are highly advanced and the price is highly competitive."
Iraqi forces might be on the receiving end of Israeli technology in several scenarios.
A B-52 bomber could fire Popeye air-to-surface missiles -- dubbed AGM-142 by the U.S. Air Force -- at ground targets. The precision-guided Popeyes were designed by Rafael, a company partially owned by the government of Israel.
Israeli-designed Hunter unmanned aerial vehicles are in the service of the U.S. Army, and its cousin, the Pioneer, is being used by the U.S. Marines to scout Iraqi defenses. Both originated in the design labs of Israel Aircraft Industries, the country's largest private company.
The Hunter dropped anti-tank munitions in recent U.S. tests, and could be used alongside the Air Force's armed Predator missile-firing drone in a ground attack role.
Some of the Army's Bradley fighting vehicles are guided by on-board computers supplied by a subsidiary of Israel's Elbit Systems, Shapir said. U.S. troops riding in the Bradleys might also be protected by armor from Rafael, said Lova Drori, Rafael's director of international marketing.
Rafael is also the designer of the Litening Targeting Pods used to fire precision weapons from the Marines' AV-8B Harrier jet, as well as F-15s and F-16s flown by the Air Force Reserves and Army National Guard, Drori said.
Israel also makes or designs multiple rocket launchers, mortars, laser target designators for the Army's Comanche helicopter and other components, Shapir said.
Much of the equipment is manufactured in the United States by subsidiaries of Israeli companies, or through joint ventures with U.S. weapons manufacturers.
According to Jane's, Israel made more than $3.5 billion in arms sales last year, roughly equal to Russia's massive arms export industry. Only the United States and Britain sold more, Jane's reported.
Other sources don't factor in Israel's exports of services -- such as upgrades to tanks and fighter aircraft -- and rank Israel as a smaller exporter. London's International Institute for Strategic Studies called Israel the world's No. 5 arms exporter last year.
Besides the United States, Israel's top customers include Turkey, India, Brazil, Canada and Germany. China used to be a major client, but Israel backed off after protests from the United States, Shapir and others said.
●イラクはフランス製のミラージュ戦闘機などを装備しているとかで、“死の商人”という意味ではフランスもエラそうなことは確かに言えないわけですが……。しかし「israel missile」でグーグル検索してみてください。イスラエルのミサイルは年がら年じゅう、自分たちが強盗した占領地の権益を守るために、中東の人々を殺していることが一目瞭然なのです。
経済総合ニュース - 3月20日(木)16時52分
[東京 20日 ロイター] 日本経団連の奥田会長は、イラクに対する武力行使が 始まったことについて、攻撃が早期に終結すれば経済への影響は軽微にとどまる が、政府に対しては機動的な政策の展開を求めるコメントを発表した。
経済総合ニュース - 3月20日(木)23時5分
イラク攻撃に関し、米国支持を表明した日本政府の対応について、経済界からは 「米国支持を明確にした小泉首相の姿勢を支持する」(奥田碩・日本経団連会長)、「日本国民の生命・財産・安全の保護という責任に基づけばやむを得ない選択だった」(小林陽太郎・経済同友会代表幹事)などと、容認する発言が相次いだ。
【今沢 真】(毎日新聞)[3月20日23時5分更新]
更新日時 : 2003年03月24日(月)16:44
イラク戦費負担、復興資金含めて負担できる範囲で応じるべき =日本経団連会長
[東京 24日 ロイター] 日本経団連の奥田碩会長は、イラク攻撃をめぐる戦費負担について、「経済大国が資金を出さないのは、国際社会の一員として役割を果たさないことになる」と述べ、終結後の復興資金も含めて負担できる範囲で応じるべき、との考えを示した。
奥田会長は記者会見 で、小泉首相の米支持表明も「現実問題としてしょうがない」と指摘。今 の支援策として「経済状況を踏まえ、できる範囲で資金負担をすべき」と述べた。
戦後復興、企業は相応の負担を=特別法人税徴収 も−日本経団連会長
戦費負担について同会長は、「法改正が必要かもしれず結論は分からない」としながらも、「世界第2の経済大国が人も金も出さないのは国際社会の一員として責任を果たしていない」と述べ、戦後復興を含め応分の負担は不可欠との認識を示し た。 (時事通信)
【自国破壊者トヨタ奥田】経団連会長:小泉首相と同じ考え、法人税引き上げも容認−イラク攻撃 [ブルームバーグ]
HS24 277 2003/3/24 19:26:25
投稿者: あっしら
東京 3月24日(ブルームバーグ):日本経団連の奥田碩会長(トヨタ自動車会長)は24日の定例会見で、小泉純一郎首相がイラクに対して武力行使した米国などを支持する考えを示したことについて、「小泉さんと同じ考え。米国とたもとを分かつことは到底できない」として同調する考えを明らかにした。
東京 山口義正 Yoshimasa Yamaguchi