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12:32 2003-04-09
■Tremendous Flood Might Happen in Russia on Account of Bombing in Iraq
Andrey Kulikov
Saratovsky Arbat
Scientists believe that the bombing of Iraq might speed up earth crust processes
Oleg Martynov, a professor of the Tula University, predicted an earthquake in Central Asia, which might lead to disastrous consequences in the Volga region of the Russian Federation. Oleg Martynov said that the seismic activity increased a lot on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. The peak of the seismic activity is to occur during the period of October-December. However, the bombing of Iraq is capable of speeding up processes in the earth's crust. The scientist believes that an earthquake might happen this year in summer, and a quake might echo in the Russian Volga region.
Oleg Martynov asserts that the previous earthquake, which took place in the year 2000, caused damage to the Saratov hydroelectric power station - a crack appeared in the station. "Waves might make the dam of the station tumble down in July-August of the current year. Tons of water will flow down the river," the scientist says.
In his earthquake calculations, Martynov uses mathematical methods of gravity fields modeling. The scientist reportedly predicted earthquakes in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, and in Central Europe. He also predicted a tremendous earthquake in the Russian town of Neftegorsk (on May 27th in 1995, a total of 1,995 persons were found dead under the rubble), although his opinion was ignored at that time.
What do Saratov officials think about Oleg Martynov's forecast? As it was said at the Saratov division of the Russian EMERCOM, they did not have any information about cracks or other kind of damage that had been caused to the Saratov hydroelectric power station. Officials said that they remembered the earthquake, although it showed no affect on the state of waterside structures. Anatoly Gilev the chief engineer of the station said: "If someone doubts, let them come to us to talk about it. When the station was built, our region was not considered a seismic area. Now it is believed that earthquakes with a magnitude of up to seven might happen in the Volga region. According to the project, the Saratov station is capable of bearing a quake with a magnitude of up to five. We made inquiries at the company, which projected the station, the Moscow HydroProject Institute. We concluded a contract with the institute to examine the hydroelectric power station. The institute is supposed to prepare certain recommendations on how to provide more seismic stability to the station."
オレグ・マルチノフ氏の予測に関してサラトフの当局者はどう考えるのか? 実際のところ、ロシアのEMERCOM【政府救援組織】※1 のサラトフ部門では、サラトフの水力発電所が被ったというヒビ割れやその他の種類のダメージについての情報(認識)を持っていなかった。当局者たちは、その過去の地震については覚えていると言った。とはいえそれが遮水構造の状態に影響するものでは無いと見てる。発電所の技術者長アナトリー・ギレフ氏は云った、
Viktor Ogajanov, the chairman of the laboratory for regional and engineering geophysics, has another point of view regarding the situation: "We have been observing the seismic situation on the territory of the region since 1999 on a regular basis. Two earthquakes were registered in 2000 - on November 25th and December 6th. The magnitude of those quakes was six in certain areas, which caused cracks on several buildings in Saratov. I do not have any information regarding the damage of the Saratov hydroelectric power station, although there are a lot of rumors about it. To my mind, if it had happened, the information about it would have become secret at once. As far as I know, there is no seismic control conducted at the station. It goes without saying that a break of the dam would be a tremendous disaster for the region."
(Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters)