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(出典 http://www.lenta.ru/oddly/2003/04/30/swastika/)
ナチカル情報 特撮ヒーロー編
■がんばれロボコン 昭和49年
(『プラウダ』記事が指摘するように、コカコーラは1920年代に、否定しようのないほどはっきりとした“ハーケンクロイツ”ふうの時計かくしを販促景品として作っていました。当時はまだナチスが政権を取るには至っていなかったわけですが、どういう意図でこうしたデザインが出てきたのか、そして、たとえ“過ぎた昔の話”であっても、戦後にユダヤ人団体はかつてのコカコーラのこの時計かくしのことを問題にしたのか? 興味ぶかい疑問です。)
(ナチス的なデザインは、日本では心理的な抵抗なく使われてきました。[←日本の文化が安直な欧米追従から脱皮するためには、こうした“ナチカル”現象そのものを批判的に乗り越えていかねばならないでしょう。] そうしたデザインの漫画キャラクターのようなものが国際商品として流通するようになったいま、ユダヤ人団体から抗議を受ける可能性に直面することになったわけです。しかし、ナチス的なものを祭り上げる目的で鉤十字のようなシンボルを使うのは論外でしょうが、これを“悪の象徴”として用いることまで否定すべきなのか、あらためて検討する必要があるでしょう。その作業を怠り、今回の石森プロや東映の対応のように釈然としない態度をとっていれば、集中的な攻撃に遭って、経営に大きな打撃を受けることになるかもしれません。)
Coca-Cola Places Nazi Symbolism on Toys
05/12/2003 17:37
The soft drink giant has adorned plastic robot figurines with swastikas
On April 30th, 2003, Oleh Leah Synagogue Rabbi Yakkov Kermaier told AP that the Robowaru robot that Coca-Cola used in its promotional advertising carries the symbol that represents the destruction of six million Jews. (As a matter of fact, Robowaru is not a robot, but a small plastic figurine that stands on a "pedestal" which has the Coca-Cola symbol.) There are two swastikas on the front side of the robot.
The organizers of the promotional action, which takes place in Hong Kong only, decided to give away a Robowaru to any customer who purchases six bottles of Coke. It is also possible to buy the toy alone for $3.60.
The rabbi pointed out that such a reminder of the Nazi-s murderous acts most likely appeared as a result of a mistake. The rabbi also added that the swastika could be interpreted as a Buddhist symbol that is widely recognized in Asia. Nevertheless, the rabbi demanded the toys be withdrawn from sales and give-aways.
Coca-Cola spokeswoman Elsie Tsui said that the robots were designed on the basis of an original project. Jennifer Chan from the Chinese company Animation International, which owns the copyright both for Robowaru and the whole Robocon set in the region, claimed that the toy had nothing to do with either any organization or any religion.
The final result of the scandal is that news sites started publishing headlines like "Coca-Cola Promotes Drink with 'Swastika' Robots," "Coke Yanks 'Nazi' Robot Toys," "Coke Pulls Its 'NAZI' Toy Robot," and the like. Well, this is a pretty strong combination - "always Coca-Cola," Nazis and robots.
Another spokeswoman for the soft drink giant, Kelly Brooks, stated that the company was sorry about the mistake, so it was decided to pull the scandalous robot figurine.
Well, it is really hard to understand who needs to have their heads examined - a designer who put swastikas on the toys, or the company, which did not notice it. Or was it the local Jewish leader, who, suffering from swastikaphobia, was unable to distinguish between Nazi and Buddhist symbols?
【だが、トンデモないことをしでかし、おつむの中味を検査する必要があるのは一体だれなのか、理解しがたい事件だといえる。カギ十字をおもちゃに貼り付けたデザイナーが阿呆なのか? それに気づかなかった企業が阿呆なのか? あるいは“カギ十字恐怖症”が高じてナチスと仏教のシンボルの分別がつけられない偏狭なユダヤ教指導者が阿呆なのか?】
Robocon, a series of robot toys, appeared back in 1974 as a Japanese television series like the Teletubbies. The company was renewed at the end of the 1990s, although it preserved its image. The set of Robocon toys includes a girl Robin, a crazy scientist Robogaki, a carpenter's hardworking mate, a good thief Robodoro, a cook Robomugu and other robots of various designs and characteristics. Robowaru originally meant to be a "bad guy"; he always thinks of doing something bad. This is a question to put to the designer - was the robot adorned with the two swastikas in order to portray its negative aspects?
There is no point in writing about the swastika in order to explain its ancient origin. However, in 1925, Coca-Cola produced a swastika-shaped watch fob made of brass. The front side of the watch fob said: "Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles v 5 cents." As you can see, Robowaru is not the first such experience with Coca-Cola. However, the watch fob was produced in the 1920s.
Speaking about the accusation from the aforementioned Hong Kong rabbi: The Nazi swastika is a swastika that faces clockwise, aiming its axes to the right. This is exactly the symbol that was placed on the German banner during 1933-1945. Nazis used to call this symbol the "Hakenkreuz." Some reference books explain the difference between the Hakenkreuz (the Nazi swastika) and traditional kinds of swastikas in Asia and in America that are face counter-clockwise.
The two swastikas that can be seen on Robowaru robot are a classic example of a Hakenkreuz; they are not a symbol of Buddhism. Thus, some reporters are not right when they say that there are "swastika-like symbols" or "two reversed symbols of the notorious Nazi Party" on the robot.
At the end of the day, media outlets are not important in this story. We have the soft drink giant Coca-Cola, which has produced a toy robot adorned with the Nazi symbol. Was it really a mistake? What can McDonald's offer, for instance?
【けっきょく、この事件に関してはマスコミの空騒ぎだったといえる。清涼飲料水メーカーの巨人であるコカコーラ社が、ナチスのシンボルで飾りたてたおもちゃのロボットを製造した。これは本当に“あやまち”だったのか? マクドナルドなら、こういう景品をつけるだろうか?】
On the photo: Coca-Cola watch fob
Read the original in Russian: http://world.pravda.ru/world/2003/5/16/43/10308_cola.html (Translated by: Dmitry Sudakov)
Coke promotion has swastika-bearing robot
Associated Press
Apr. 30, 2003 03:10 PM
Associated Press
"Robowaru" was given the boot for its swastika-like designs on its chest.
HONG KONG - Soft drink giant Coca-Cola said Wednesday it has pulled a robot figurine adorned with what appear to be swastikas from a Hong Kong promotion following criticism from a local Jewish leader.
The company withdrew "Robowaru" from a promotional set of plastic figurines derived from the Japanese television series "Robocon," after Rabbi Yakkov Kermaier of Hong Kong complained, Coca-Cola spokesman Kelly Brooks said.
Robowaru has two swastika-like designs printed on its chest. "We regret any misunderstanding this may have caused," Brooks said in a telephone interview from Atlanta.
He said the figurines were "exact replicas" of characters featured in the television series.
The Nazi swastika can easily be confused with a similar Buddhist symbol common in Asia. The two are nearly reverse images of one another, with the arms pointing in opposite directions.
The toy set can be bought for $3.60 with any purchase of six bottles of Coke. The miniature characters stand on small plastic pedestals with Coca-Cola logos on them.
Kermaier acknowledged the figurine probably was the result of an honest mistake. Still, "it's not simply a politically incorrect symbol," Kermaier said Wednesday. "It's an emblem that represents the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Jews."
At Animation International, which sells rights for Robocon in the region and worked with Coca-Cola on the toys, spokeswoman Jennifer Chan said the symbols were designed by the creator and "did not have anything to do with any organization or religion."
Ishimori Pro, the production house of late Robocon creator Shotaro Ishinomori, declined comment on Wednesday, as did Toei, the company that owns the rights to Robocon movies and merchandise.