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質問者1:本日の貴方のオスカー受賞スピーチは1978年、ベネッサ・レドグレーブの"Zionist hoodlumns"発言以来のセンセーショナルな出来事であったと思います。どういう反応を予想していたか、そしてなぜあのようなスピーチをされたかお聞かせください。
質問者2:ムーアさん、1010 WINSです。ヤジやブーイングを聞いて、何を思われましたか?
質問者3:ムーアさん、Voice of Americaです。本日オスカーを受賞されたことで、ハリウッドのブラックリストにいれられるのでは、という心配はありませんか?
M.C.: Okay, are you ready with your numbers? We are going to start with some questions for our winners this evening. 120 in the back?
Interviewer 1: Yes, good evening Michael Moore, KNX News Radio here in Los Angeles, congratulations to you.
Moore: Thank you.
Interviewer 1: I adventure to say that you probably made the largest scene in an Oscar ceremony since Vanessa Redgrave's reference to "Zionist hoodlumns" in 1978. One wonders, "Did you get the reaction that you were looking for?", and "Why did you do what you did?"
Moore: I am an American.
pause, applause, and laughs.
Interviewer 1: That's it?
Moore: Oh, that's a lot. I'm an American, and you don't leave your citizenship behind when you enter the doors of the Kodak Theater. What's great about this country is that you are able to speak your mind, and that's what I do. I do that in my film-making and I do that in my daily life, and I don't stop being who I am when I come in to this ceremony. I'm extremely grateful for the response. "Suddenly the lights went down, and when they came back up, Mike was flat on the stage!! oh",,,
Interviewer 1: Half the people wanted to carry out on your shoulders, and half wanted to throw food at you.
Moore : That's now what I saw. I saw the entire place stand up and applaud. Applaud a film, that talks about how we are manipulated by the fear, that's put forth from the Whitehouse, that's put forth by corporate America, to create a culture of violence. Violence at home, and violence abroad. We kill each other at an enormous rate. More so than virtually any other country on this planet. What was the lesson that we taught the children of Columbine this week? This was the lesson: that violence is an acceptable means to resolve a conflict. Thank you WKNX.
Interviewer 2: Mr. Moore, over here Shadow Broadcasting 1010 WINS, to your right, sir. Right here.
Moore: 1010 WINS.
Interviewer 2: Mr. Moore, I want to ask you, the words and boos after the cheers clearly heard, your reaction when you heard those boos coming at you.
Moore: Those are all my friends and relatives.
Interviewer 2: Seriously.
Moore: I said, "you know what, Hollywood has got a bad reputation for being monolithic in their politics, you know they are all like a bunch of left-wing Democrats out here, it would be really cool if a bunch of you boo just to show we are all that diversity of opinion in this town. "
Interviewer 2: Don't you think that the town and the country itself is divided though?
Moore: No, actually the country is united. The majority of Americans do not want to see any of your young boys or girls killed in this war, they want the troops to come home safe, and the majority of Americans never voted for that guy who sits in the Whitehouse, he was never elected by the majority of citizens in this country and I keep saying that until he is out of there. Our democracy was hijacked, and there is a squad around the federal land at 1600 Pensylvania Avenue.
M.C.: Next question 133
Moore: Call me crazy, call me an American. I don't know what, but I just happen to believe it's "one person, one vote, and you count all the votes". What a wild idea!
Interviewer 3: Mr. Moore, Voice of America Latin American Division, now that you have won an Oscar, would you be concerned about being blacklisted in Hollywood?
Moore: Well, I don't work in Hollywood. I'm funded by Canadians, and others who don't live here.
Moore: But it was Hollywood who voted for this award, it was Hollywood that stood when it was announced.
Moore: Is that happened yet tonight? No I mean for a win. Was that the first one? Don't report this, as that there was a split decision in the hall, because five loud people boo-ed. Do your job, and tell the truth. Not only this town feels, but the majority of Americans did not support us getting into this war, majority of Americans are not for Bush's policies, they are not for drilling in Alaska, go down the whole damn list, majority of Americans oppose what Bush stands for, majority of your fellow Americans they are pro choice, they are pro environment, they are pro labor, and that's the truth, and I am sorry to have to speak it, but I don't know what else to do.
M.C.: Can we have a couple of more questions? I believe, 37 was the next question on the list? Did 37's question get answered?
Interviewer 4: BBC news. Do you think that the entire ceremony should have been canceled or postponed or do you think that it's actually proved to be a very good platform for your point of view?
Moore: No, I think that's important to have the Oscars. Afterall, isn't that what we are fighting for, our American way of life? I mean, what could be more American than the Oscars? I don't understand. I'm disappointed that people didn't have the chance to speak to presses as they came in, and I noticed there were reporters with notepads, writing on the notepads, and I said, "why aren't you saying anything?", and somebody said with a whisper we were told that we couldn't say anything. Not in my America! You know, you are free to ask a question anytime you want, and say anything anytime you want. That's the beauty of this country, that's the freedom we want to preserve.
M.C.: Can we have one more question?
Interviewer 5: So do you think we are fighting for the American way of life over there?
Moore: No, I was being sarcastic. We are fighing for Bush and his oil buddies. And it distresses me, that young men and women, are put in harms way for that reason. It's absolutely appalling and immoral.
Interviewer 5: In your acceptance you said we are over there for ficticious reasons. What are the ficticious reasons?
Moore: That ficticiuos reason being that Saddham Husssein is going to kill you right tonight. That's the fiction. The non-fiction is that we are over there because they have got the second largest supply of oil in the world. Why not just say that? Wouldn't you just respect them so much more if that went on TV? I mean, he almost said that the other night when he said "Don't burn those oild fields." You know it's like "Oh, good, he's going to say that! Because that's our oil!", and he didn't,,,.
M.C.: I think there is a question down in front, 11?
Interviewer 6: Number 69, right here. I would like to ask you a question. I've been watching the news here, and all the networks to me they seem that all the writers are paid by the Pentagon. I mean, it's so biased. It's like a total propaganda. What can you tell us about that?
Moore: This is probably the first two hours of television this week where the American public haven't been indentated by generals and retired generals giving analysis and commentary. I would like the US military to withdraw its troops, from CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, CNN, just please, take the troops off our airwaves, so that we can get the truth. It's a disgusting thing to see.
Moore: Can I say what I said when the band was playing? I don't know if you heard it or not. I just said that, anybody who's got both the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against them, is not long for the Whitehouse.
M.C.: Can we have one more question please? I'm sorry we are runnning short on time. Can we have one more question please? I think 65?
Interviewer 7: Michael to your left, KTLA, how are you, congratulations to you both.
Moore: Thank you very much.
Interviewer 7: Even people who agree with you, who feel very much as you, I suspect tomorrow when the headline is not "Chicago sweeps the Oscars", some are going to say, "Michael Moore hijacks the Oscars." Even those who agree with you, are going to say, "You put Hollywood in the bad light, you screwed up tonight, and all that." What do you say to all that?
Moore: I say that tonight I put America in a good light, I showed that how vital it is, to have free speech in our country, and that all Americans have the right to stand up for what they believe in. I certainly don't feel that I did that, I don't think the people out there felt that. I mean, come on, let's just get real here. I've been around for a few years. For 13 years now since "Roger and me". I've had the number one selling book in the country this week, it's been on the best seller list now for 53 weeks in L.A. and 48 weeks in New York on the New York Times list. More Americans have bought my book in the last year than any other non-fiction book. Something called "Stupid White Men" essentially starring George W. Bush, at a time he was supposedly enjoying great popularity ratings. My fingers are on the polts of where I believe the majority of Americans are at, and it will be irresponsible for me to not to say how I felt. And I think anybody voting for me for this award new that they weren't going to get a speech thanking agents, lawyers, lawers of agents and agents of lawyers. You know, that's just who I am, and I'm an honest and sincere person, I feel strongly about what I believe in, but I also love the art of cinema. I love going to a good movie and everytime I set out to make a movie, the first thing I think about is "What would I like to go see on a Friday night." Not what political message I want to make, not what thing I want to cover, but what would make a great movie after two hours people are going to walk out going "Wow, that was a great film!" How often do we get that experience? It's so rare. And that's what I set out to do, that's what I hope I did with this film, and I am honored to receive this award from the Academy and from my fellow film-makers. And the final thing I want to say about what you said about "hijacking", while I was walking up the aisle, I invited all my fellow nominees to come up on the stage with me. I told them during the commercial break, you know, if you want to come with me, I love for you to come with me, come only with solidarity with me because I am going to speak out against this war and against Bush, and they were thrilled. I was thrilled to have them share the stage with me and not just be Michael Moore, Michael Donovan, and Kathleen Glynn. All of us who work in non-fiction, you work in non-fiction, it's important, because it speaks truth to the fiction that's out there. It's so critical these days, we need to reclaim our country. I love my country, and I love this democracy. Thank you very much.
M.C.: Thank you. Congratulations.